
The truth is that she has a point. I don’t think he necessarily wants to be impeached. I think he wants a victory, and the inevitable trial and acquittal by the senate GOP (no matter how fraudulent it would be on its face) would definitely give him the ability to squawk about a victory and persecution, which would aid

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:


I was assuming "after probation." In other words, free and clear.

There is an argument to be made about suppressing the right to vote for people currently in jails and prisons: we don’t ever accord rights absolutely, and they are subject to reasonable restriction (take note, gun nuts). Even First Amendment rights are frequently subject to time, place and manner restrictions (take

“when they have served their sentences” is perfectly acceptable to me. It ought to be the national standard. I would even go so far as to call it the FLORIDA (make up some hokey acronym) Act. Or put Rick Scott's name on it, just to burn his ass.

Look up the definition of the word “incinerated”

Of course I would never send humans out there. I’d hire a project manager to send them.

“I’m not a religious leader, and I’m not a scientist either, so it’s my job to weigh both sides,”

Do you think maybe they hate Bernie because he’s a clueless old man that isn’t remotely capable of describing how he’ll accomplish anything?

When did the youth stop trusting older generations that have been around the block? Bernie doesn’t have the sway to win in 2020 regardless of what the polls say. His voters aren’t motivated and he doesn’t register with the inner cities. He’s a college-debt driven candidate supported by college grads without advanced

If hockey truly wants to grow beyond it’s niche status (and is serious about safety), they would get rid of this. It isn’t even that hard - just eject the participants and suspend repeat/egregious offenders, like every other sport. You do this in baseball, football, or basketball and you get more than 5 minutes of

At what point, though, do WE (not Congress) say enough is enough? I’m going to ask this once again: when is the breaking point?

Well... I think they’ve finally seen the writing on the wall and know they have a year and a bit to stack the deck.

Thoughts and prayers aren’t going to do anything to fix this problem. You are missing the point, you dolt.

“Could Joe Biden Get Any Worse?”

About the only thing Representative Omar was guilty of in the first tweet was some poor wording (the “Benjamins” reference could’ve been interpreted as Benjamin Netanyahu, or as a reference to Benjamin Franklin’s face on the USD 100 bill, which would in turn open the gate for a “Jewish money” reading—which is where

Fun Fact: I schooled Mark Steyn to his face at a conference in DC. He was trying to wedge in to get in the face of a researcher who was instrumental in promulgating the demographic transition model. He was irate that someone could suggest that the US had zero to negative population growth in its immediate future based

Or — OR — maybe we simply shouldn’t get involved in an internal political matter in a country that has a resource we’d like to exploit. Y’know, like all the other dictatorships we’re fine with because they don’t have oil.

I decided not to have children, literally because I wanted to ensure the cycle of abuse was broken, and I just couldn’t promise myself I would never ever do any of what my parents did to me. I know I would never purposely hurt any child, but I’m emotionally broken, sometimes, and I don’t know what impact that would