
One of his dad’s golf buddies will/probably has gotten him a job, he will keep his head down and women in the office will avoid him. Then in ten years when he’s perfected his perfect assault, the new interns won’t know of his infamy and he’ll be able to creep on them at work. He will be the scary manager you don’t

Run for president? Seems to work

Or they get hired by dudes who think what he did was perfectly fine. I’m sure he’ll have plenty of options, sadly.

Please defend that, I look forward to it.

what the hell kind of shit was that kid into? It’s like Hunter Thompson briefcase in Fear and Loathing in there.

But if they’re not citizens, why are they voting anyways?

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Always relevant.

Plus, Xanax, like any benzo , is addictive

Doctors have gotten weird as sh*t about this stuff, because of the DEA’s constant pressure on them to tightly control anything that actually works.

That’s Charlie Hustle for you. So much dedication to the game, he’d play ball even without any grass on the field.

Fuck these people.

We, the UNITED States, who fought—white AND black—to stay united.

Honestly, I was almost there with you. I was planning on voting McCain, until the VP selections - Obama knew he wasn’t experienced and knew next to nothing about foreign policy, so he selected Biden (Biden had been in the Senate for 35+ years and had served as the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations committee).

This dangerous situation is the driver’s fault, to begin with. He should have responded immediately to the drivers in the adjacent lane slowing so quickly. He was lucky to avoid her person changing lanes but it happened a long time after he should have been slowing down or changing lanes himself.

“So yes, incidents where white women are shot and killed by police inspire localized outrage and a lawsuit on occasion. But the level of media interest in Damond’s death is rare. The international outrage directed squarely at American policing and gun culture has resonated across borders, only amplifying the spectacle

Eh... this wasn’t your typical work trip. We all work in the service industry and it’s like a “work family” trip. It’s not like some corporate office trip. Everyone who worked there was a scumbag so everyone was shady. Haha.

My boss used to take the staff to AC for our “holiday party” every year for an overnight trip in December and it’s the most depressing place ever. I gambled a little and then spent the right of the time getting stoned in my hotel room and watching movies. There isn’t shit to do there, especially in the winter.

Born and raised in NJ for 20 years and never set foot in AC until I came back to visit family 10 years ago and someone decided spur of the moment let’s visit AC. After spending plenty of time in Las Vegas I couldn’t wait to see the Jersey alternative. To say it was a horrible disappointment would be putting it mildly.

God yes. I only went there once but one block away from the boardwalk and you felt like you were in a third world country.