And why I doubt he can win. Hillary wasnt anywhere near as brutal as Trump is, and she beat Sanders. Trump is going to rip him to shreds and make him look like a dope. IMHO - Running Sanders against Trump is a sure fire way to lose..
And why I doubt he can win. Hillary wasnt anywhere near as brutal as Trump is, and she beat Sanders. Trump is going to rip him to shreds and make him look like a dope. IMHO - Running Sanders against Trump is a sure fire way to lose..
You make no sense. Come back to me when you have a cogent, well thought out argument - or after High School lets out, and you finish your chores.
I’m not saying that it a pure vote getting ploy. I’m saying that it’s not totally altrustic of them either. It can be both, in this instance I’m sure they want this for the right reasons - but i’m also sure that they are thinking it will help them.
Show me where I said that? I didnt say that at all. I said that it obviously helps them, and it’s not all altruistic on their side for wanting this. I also said through MANY of these comments that I dont necessarily disagree with them, but lets not bury our heads in the sand about WHY they want it.
They lose rights when they go to prison, thats part of the punishment. You are not going to find much sympathy from most people that prisoners are not being represented as well as as other people in the population. Also - Most prisoners are going to have some family that will advocate for them, even if it’s simply by…
It’s the same thing tho.. Buttegieg is saying “After they are released”. He is trying to get the best of both worlds, increase his voter base, and not have to tell people that currently incarcerated felons are now voting. It still adds potentially hundreds of thousands of votes in his favor, if not millions.
I could probably be convinced one way or the other to be honest. On one side, their likely scum the people we are talking about (I’m talking rapists, murders, pedos, etc) and a certain part of me says that some crimes deserve a lengthy punishment.
I could probably go either way depending on the crime, but in general i’d say if they have done their time, then yes. We as a society at that point have determined that they are fit to return to society, with certain exceptions, they should be given back their rights fully.
Not sure I agree with your point, or i’m not understanding it. If you look at who is locked up, it disproportionately goes to minorities. Black and Hispanic. Groups that typically vote Democratic. The Democrats come out ahead if “everyone” gets a vote.
Yep, depends.. I’m just not for a blanket statement like the ones that the D’s are making. They obviously have a ulterior motive, so you need to take their logic with a grain of salt.
He deserves to die for just being plain stupid as well. If i’m reading this right, dingus wrote a letter to a co-defendant basically admitting what he did - while in jail. Why did he not think that would not be read by prison officials?
If we are letting someone out, then we are either saying they are “Reformed”, jailed mistakenly, or served their time to society and we trust them to go back into that society. On that basis, I agree with you.. once out they should have their voting rights restored. One could argue after probation, but thats nit…
Oh bullshit.. I’m not parroting anything. Prison is at its core a method of taking away someones rights for an act that society has deemed detrimental. We take peoples rights away all the time, voting is no different.
I’m open to the discussion, but my point is that Prison is a method of taking away someones rights. Thats the whole point, so we cant just say “Well, voting is a right..”.
It’s to early in the morning for me to read that well. :)
When you are incarcerated, you lose rights by the very nature of being in prison. Voting is no different - I lean left, but even I dont want some of the scumbags in Supermax voting. I find no benefit in letting the Unabomber cast a vote..
I was expecting him to flop on his back and grab his pawn in agony when his owner petted him. That would make him a true soccer player.
Hillary was not a good candidate. She ran with the idea that she already won. Seems to me every D running now is not making the same mistake.
I think it comes down to this.. The D’s can run a candidate that does as you say, and risk a very high likelyhood of losing, or they can run a safer candidate and have a higher likelyhood of winning.
Dont bother.. You are in the wrong place. Bernie has as much of a shot at beating trump as I do. The Dems nominate him, and they give the election to Trump w/o much of a fight.