
Wendys = Better Sandwiches.

Hillary lost by what? 80k votes across 3 states? This dipshit could easily exceed that number by just having his name on the Ballot and not even running a single ad. States like Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc may only need a few thousand votes either way in 2020 to swing the election one way or another. Because of the

I have a insurance policy for my life, car, house, etc, etc..

Dont bother, we have shovel and ladder technology.  We are pretty sure no one south of us has this cutting edge technology tho.  

Why the hell wouldnt he just run as a Democrat?  If he is so confident in his ability to win, run as a D and go through the Primaries.  

Or maybe the police? If you bring someone in thats not your kid and try to get them to see a doctor, that should be a immediate call to the Police.

Fuck this shit, the D’s shouldnt budge. If I was Pelosi I’d get on Air and make a speech and demand DACA into law *forever*, AND fixs to ACA. If turdbird Trump wants his wall so badly, the least he can do is that.. To me, that would be worth the $5B.

White dude here.. wtf guys, I love spicy and seasoned stuff.

This is the only correct answer.  

If De Blasio runs, does that mean I can look forward to Human shit on the street and sidewalks of every major city, and not just NYC?

While this may have been a corporate issue in years past, from what I am seeing now, It is no longer a corporate issue - atleast at the mid level management and down side. It’s a issue in the school systems.

We should invade Mexico and build the wall 50 miles south of our border, and make everything north of those 50 miles till the U.S. Border a Free Fire zone.  That will teach em.  

He has to.. No choice. By any reasonable measure he is the worst President in the history of the country, if hes not pointing at someone else constantly then even his supporters will realize how bad he is. He needs to keep them fired up, and Hillary is still working..

Because I dont want a second term of Trump.  But, by all means, work towards getting a far left candidate nominated - I’m so sure Bernie Sanders could win in a general election.  

Wow, thats a new one..  Holy shit.  

My idiot brother brings this stuff up all the time.. I just send him the Snopes links.  “She gave away all our Uranium to Putin to build Nuclear weapons to attack us with!!!!”.  

I think not only they expected to do that, but Trump expected to do that. I dont think he thought he could win (as evident by the fact he had zero transition plan). I know he had it all lined up... “Hillary stole the election from me..” followed by 4-8 years of saying how he would have solved whatever problem Hillary

Well, it’s usually followed by “Hillary is worse”, which I simply answer with “Hillary isn’t President”. I try not to go down the route of arguing if Hillary was/is a good person or what not. I just point out that it’s irrelevant.. 99% of the time they have no response and they get pissed off.

More like “Hillary would have been worse”.  I get this with a straight face from most Trump supporters.  Seriously.  

Dont bother.