
Oy, okay.. I know that one as well. Post back tonight! Good luck!

Oh it will happen.. There is *ALWAYS* a few. Sounds like your kid isnt old enough for it yet. :)

Oh, I agree.. But I also know my boy and how much he wants to work at something. :) He has recently started to become more interested and is practicing more tho. He is playing districts this summer which is a large commitment..

Soccer I think is actually the worst. Atleast in Little League if kids want to play in Districts they *HAVE* to had played in Rec. That means no matter what, the Rec leagues survive and less talented kids can play in a real league with a variety of skill level players.

Thats why I do it to. I hate to say it, if i’m not there to protect my kid and my friends kids, they will get trampled by these asshole parents. What boggles my mind is exactly what they are trying to acheive...

Holy shit.. wtf. How did that dude not get thrown out of the league? Cursing and physical contact in front of the kids is usually a red line.

Travel Softball coach here, and rec coach. Parents are fucking stupid. My personal favorite from this season was a mom literally screaming at her 1st grader for not hitting the ball. Shes in 1st and 6 years old. She was yelling at her like if she didnt hit the ball she would not be welcome home. Shes in 1st and 6

He’s going to get what he wants.. He knows he is responsible for the separated children. He also knows his base could give a fuck about it. The more misery at the border, the more likely the Democrats will be willing to give him his wall.. The kids are simply a pawn in this game.

Was looking for this before I posted the same thing. Somehow woman were having babies throughout history at a very young age (Young Teenagers) and were able to take care of them. Yet when this happens and you are 24 we now give it a pass and make excuses.

I’m most definetly not familar with MLB Salary ranges, but I thought there was a league minimum that existed regardless of age or playing time? IE, a Rookies League Minimum is the same as a 10 year vet of the MLB?

Given the choice of a shitty paycheck in the minors, and a league minimum paycheck in the MLB, how is that even a choice?

Agreed, but their fries are god awful. Soggy salted pieces of rotten potato..

This.. When I was younger we (my friends and I) got evicted from a Apartment. It was 50/50 on blame (shitty landlords). We were young and pissed off, and knew we werent getting our security deposit back (they told us before we moved out). Before we left we let lose a shit ton of mice we picked up at the pet store.

Fake News.. I never saw who he was yelling at.

Its his opinion, and Fox is a cable channel. If Fox wants to put that on a Cable channel, and your cable provider wants to provide that channel to you, there is no law being broken.

Obviously.. I dont get that was the issue though. It doesnt sound like it was locked in his Trunk which is the law in CA. This sounds like he had a legal firearm, but had thrown it in his glovebox or something.

Certainly.. However, i’m not ready to convict the cop of that yet. He was previously arrested (presumably the same area) and I am presuming the Cop probably patrols the same area on a daily basis. If i’m a cop, and I arrested someone for clearly breaking the law before, I would definitely keep a closer eye on them if

Um, i’m in NJ and a white guy. I’m pretty sure CA is even more strict on gun laws then NJ is. In NJ if I get pulled over and have a Firearm in my car w/o a CCW I can *ASSURE YOU* I am getting Arrested. In fact, i’d most likely find myself face down on the pavement..

Sorry man, thats rough. I’ve seen to much bad shit in this world to believe in a god, or at least a god I would want to worship..

When Children stop getting brain tumors, I will start to worship a god. Until then, hear this loud and clear god. FUCK YOU.