Ok, I’m going to say something that a lot of people won’t like, but fuck the Zelda timeline.
Ok, I’m going to say something that a lot of people won’t like, but fuck the Zelda timeline.
Reread my comment again. I’m not talking about Twilight Princess amiibo support. Also, it was a joke.
I can’t get enough of videos messing with Star Wars audio.
You have to give Alfred a hand. He did his best.
No! Wait! Don’t try the whole internet! You don’t know what you’re getting into!
Your disc version will work in a couple of weeks, no worries. The Saint’s Row games though, those probably won’t happen because of the whole THQ thing, but you never know.
Last night, the developers at Volition did something remarkable. They revealed a cancelled game in their biggest…
The poor woman, she looks cold. Who the hell took her clothes away and stuck her in a freezer?
Im pretty sure you dont own a hooker if you pay her.
aw man, video private ):
That doesn’t even sound remotely like “cousin.” People are crazy.
Nice strawman, Mr. Farmer.
If someone’s quality of life being drastically altered/diminished and another person losing their life isn’t a sign to stop making these shit tier movies, I don’t know what is.
Written, Directed, Produced by and Starring...
Hideo Kojima
“There are still black actresses and actors not getting recognized for their work—or not getting work at all”
Guess what, there are hundreds of thousands of white ones not getting such work as well! As well as people of other races! There’s no way to allow everyone who wants to be an actor to get a job in the market,…
@Luke Plunkett: ???