
I had a friend who just loved how jealous her boyfriend was. Made her feel so very special. She'd humble brag "No way my boyfriend would let me wear a skirt that short." And as is usually the case, he was shown to be an unstable freak who left a group friends (myself included) at a concert without a ride an hour

Since Shakira's boyfriend has such high standards for her, I imagine he stays at home every night and doesn't go out partying after a game since he's her property too (using his logic).

There's "traditional male/female roles" and then there's "big red flag from someone treating a partner like property."

At least one half of Daft Punk came to her aid!

The color is obviously wonderful on her but, I think this dress is otherwise pretty unremarkable. And does anyone think the headband makes the look too... young? Like, 5-yrs-old-Easter-egg-hunt young?

*awaits onslaught of "NOs!"*

I'm confused. I'm a straight black woman, but I haven't banged any black chicks either - am I racist, too? Dammit.

1. Why is he addressing "middle class White Americans" for the most part as if they're the only ones who are offended by blackface? Oh wait, I have the answer: because he clearly cares more about white people than black people.

"If you have never felt oppression don't speak against it."

I slept with a Japanese guy when I was 18, so I get a life long pass on making fun of Asians? Who knew?

Well I am just the racistest because I haven't banged any black girls this year.

This is why I hate so much when people pretend that representation doesn't matter. It matters. When you never see reflections of yourself as worthy, you logically conclude that you are not worthy. It matters.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason why - in spite of his flaws as an artist - I love Spike Lee. He's been consistent with his love, respect, and protection of Black culture throughout his entire career and he's never once half-stepped when it comes to calling racist bullshit as it is.

Oh, you are so new. If you honestly think that the Black/Latin people who have been living in those neighborhoods for decades never complained to their aldermens and other district/city officials about the shitty conditions, then I have a lovely bridge to sell you. It connects Brooklyn to Manhattan and is quite

And I bet he follows the cultural conventions for the upper east side; why can't people moving into his old neighborhood do the same thing?

That doesn't mean he loses his right an opinion. He grew up in the neighbourhood he's talking about.

Because, at the end of the day, even though they're gay, those men still enjoy white male privilege. He's gay but he's still white and he's still male.

Because gay white men are still white men.

There seems to be a special flavor of racial deafness among white guys who happen to be gay. I think the idea starts with the fact that they've caught shit for being gay and should thus be in solidarity with people who also have caught shit for being who they are, but some people skip the step about actually learning

Why do (usually) white queens think that's such a cute/humorous "complement" to black people. If I only had a dollar for all the times I've heard one say that shit.