Dalmo Hernandes, from Brazil

I think that ther are axles just below the floor that have tiny wheels that turn backwards and touch the bigger wheels making them turn.


yep, but I couldn't help but to make the crappy pun.

Right. In front. Of you. See the cover between the red lights?

This. Tempo Matador would, indeed, kill you with fire if you crashed it front first.

It's Geoff!

This cars looks like a dog.

I have, y'know, a scratched copy of GNR Lies.

I don't think so... the bed is different.


So it should work with the new transformers movie too

@Vavon: They were produced by Vemag, under license of DKW. I used to see a couple of them in my hometown. Never liked them, though.

Where is the AOTD for this?

@BeanBone: Here in Brasil we can find these from 2,000 reais (something like 1,200 USD) to 21,000 reais (freaking 12,600 dollars!). Way easier to get one in its homeland... I got used to see them in real bad condition, they're worth nothing here.

Buy a freaking car! Of course, my old man gave me his Fiat Uno (looks like the one in the picture), but I need more. I want to buy a real car for myself. And work on it.

To buy a freaking car! Of course I managed to get my old man's Fiat Uno but I need to get a car of my own.

@kake81: I just commented that (not in such a funny way), but my comment disappeared. Strange...