
One person pulled out some loaded pistol magazine and clicked them together and said that you were next

mmm never before have both my gun fetish and cankle fetish been sated at once...

Agreed. The only reason two people need a house that big is so that they never have to spend a single moment in a room together. Gary there (I know he has a real name but I’m christening him Gary) is finally living out the Call of Duty cosplay dream he uses to get through sex with his wife every week. Stripy Karen

Leave the shoes, take the guns...

I mean, I have on the wall of my conference room, I’ve got an anti-slavery broadsheet, the abolitionist broadsheet from 1832.

Everything about these jabronis screams “I am not satisfied sexually”.

. . . including a rare 1560 stipo a bambocci carved wooden cabinet made in Genoa and a Louis XIII homme-debout (“standing man”) armoire, so named because, during the Reign of Terror, a gentleman could hide inside one.

OMG my exact thought... I was like oh he didn’t answer because she was too old at that point! 

When you are drowning in shit, the best approach may just be to admit you are scum, but “legal scum.”

Rossi allegedly wrote to D’Elia, ‘I’m 21 now and [down to f***].’ His reps say D’Elia didn’t respond to her.”

My mouth is agape in horror. I can’t even begin to unpack the large amounts of misogyny, rape justification, and lack of empathy within this statement.

It was my parents, but yes. Prarie Home Companion is the absolute worst that white culture has to offer. My local NPR affiliate played it Saturday nights AND Sunday mornings and my parents listened to both broadcasts. It drove me fucking bonkers. 

I think there are two categories of TERFs, or at least that’s been my experience with them. There’s the truly unhinged, who think men are actually transitioning so they can use public bathrooms and rape women. Those people are hopeless. Then there are the TERFs-Lite, for lack of a better term, who don’t deny trans

I guess it’s kind of like how wearing helmets and other protective gear actually makes sports like football more dangerous.

What about the good-willed white people on the board who allowed black people to be on it too? Let’s not forget their sacrifice!

“many of the writers cited in the letter’s own list would never have been published if not for the ecumenical, good-willed white editors and publishers who fought for the publication of black writers.”

Martin Luther King, Jr., spent years calling for equality, advocating for change through non-violence. Those non-violent protests frequently resulted in white reactions of violence against the protestors, and King found himself widely disliked by whites, including liberal whites, and targeted by the FBI, until finally

Sussexodus. Michael K’s, and my fave of all the options.

There’s this company called Mighty Cricket that grinds crickets up and puts them in breakfast foods, kind of as a way to introduce insects to Americans in a palatable way. I’ve heard that their products are indistinguishable from their non cricket counterparts - your comment has me thinking about placing an order now!

Almost nobody is vegan out of an intention to religiously avoid every single particle of anything that might have once been a moving creature. Most people who are vegan for ethical reasons are that simply to avoid contributing to the suffering of mammals that appear to have the same capacity to experience suffering as