
A movie about slander slanders. How apropos. 

Don’t erase the beautiful Black man who performed this public service.

Man, that hit me in the feels. I stayed with my ex for 8 years and he was a binge drinker. I can’t even imagine having a parent like that. :(

She probably thought the friendship was about her.

Also, she was born into Kellie-Jay so she shouldn’t be allowed to change anything or reunite with her correct name all along.

Happiness in solitude and a sharp fashion sense?

Omg the twittersphere is a weird and loathsome place. Folks just looking to be mad.

I live in a very expensive European country and while housing prices are also high here people earn more than in the US. I’ve also noticed that the quality is higher with what you get. The amount of garbage apartments I overpaid slumlords for in the US was insane. At least here you’re guaranteed a clean apartment with

So... did you murder or not?

I’m with you. I mean, I fuck men but honestly I could do without the vast majority of them. 

Even illnesses that aren’t psychosomatic can be affected by trauma. It just shows how fallacious the complete mind-body separation is. My cousin is convinced her MS was due to a toxic mother-in-law. Once the MIL died, the MS went away.

Same, girl. Bumble was a hot mess for me.

In a way, isn’t that more barbaric than the death penalty, then? I don’t care what happens to this piece of shit; I’m just extending your logic about barbarity.

I agree with everything you wrote, Rich. I do think that knowing your audience is key and perhaps the outlet Peck was writing for wasn’t the best medium. Or baked into his writing - particularly at the outset - could have been an acknowledgement of what he’s about to write may make sense to people within the gay

Honestly, considering how many new series premiere on Netflix seemingly on the hour, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was made. Go for it, random person on the internet!

This comment plus that profile pic and the name... I am cackling.

All those Assemblypeople are Republican, btw.

OMG this is incredible. NETFLIX MAKE IT SO!

These days, Hodgman would be the hipster.

This is honestly the best thing I’ve read all day. Thank you for this ethnographic snippet.