
Sadly this isn’t on Crunchyroll. Anywhere in the US you know of where we can watch this?

Love to see folk like you step in and do the job and commit to only fire AFTER being fired upon. Cops are people too with lives and families and everyone wants to go home at the end of the day. If you respond to a call and know the subject is armed we’ll see that commitment tested.

Has no one stopped to consider that Rin is most likely underaged? Look at the sailor fuku. His reaction COULD be to a high school girl coming out naked and surprising him. Vincent had frequent reactions like this to seduction.

“ or a basket full of uncounted votes found in the back of a pickup truck, “

Must have been hard for you to write the words”heroic cop.”

Hey bud, if you support this kind of profanity being forced on 7 year olds then Fuck You and Fuck Everyone who Agrees with You. See what I did there? And I didn’t have to do it in a forum where 2nd graders are held literal hostage to it either.

Well she needs to tweet this shit, or put it on facebook, but this doesn’t need to be plastered on a giant ass truck that a gradeschooler might be stuck behind staring at this. Use common sense, you imbecile. You make those opposed to Trump look like knuckle-dragging assholes.

Man, your opinion is so weird. You are literally the first person I have ever heard compare Telltale’s Choose-your-own-adventure-but-not-really-games to and open world game like LA Noire; a game that admittedly had a LOT of missed opportunities but nonetheless was a pretty outstanding experience. If I could I would

Never mind the fact that (especially in the Middle East) you can just BUY trophies.

I think it’s a cautionary tale about selfless love. Wander (the boy) fell in love with Mono and left his order after his chief sacrificed her because of her “cursed fate.” He knew the legend about Dormin; the male/female deity with the power to bring back the dead. Dormin was an ancient evil, torn apart and imprisoned

Um, huh? While it’s true that the castle was the only structure left standing after a bombing raid (there is a shrine now in the top of the castle dedicated to the god that protected it) this photo is in the modern day. Himeji is a beautiful city and is fully recovered so I’m struggling to understand what, exactly, is

Sheer panic. Do you honestly think that if Kim had a nuke he wouldn’t show it off? We’re placating him by accepting his underground ‘tests’ at face value.

He’s demonizing someone calling the cops on black people. This whole site is racist. Black folks should be allowed to do anything they want, legal or illegal, cause they got a bad reputation due to racism. So, in effect, because white folks expect crime out of black folks, they should therefore be allowed to commit

Message received

You ARE aware that hanging was a routine punishment for outlaws in the wild west, right?

Skin is thicker than blood, apparently.

I think this ought to really illustrate the biggest division of all; the divide between Rich and Poor. Even today we are all slaves of the 1%.

“And to start it off right, they went after the black woman first. Because, of course.”

Wow. This was incredibly racist.

So Anthropology is racist now?