
You’re in for a treat. It’s amazing. I watched the London version. Cast was incredible. I took my mother and sister and they went in cold (they hadn't heard the soundtrack) and they loved it too. We swore we would watch it again. I'm so excited! 

I know it’s unrelated but I’m super mega stoked. Going to watch Hamilton next year. I’m really privileged as I already saw it but we were in shitty seats (I nearly threw until my eyes settled). Now we bought really good ones and I can’t wait.

That would probably send me on the mats in a fetal position asking for my mother.

It's utterly tacky, and not even in a fun way.

Wow is Scandinavia (well more Sweden and Denmark than Norway) more expensive than Japan? Thought they were similarly priced.

Wasn’t questioning you, but I was just genuinely surprised that she did that. On her racist views...they were public before the reboot to be honest. So ABC didn't check or they did not give a shit. I mean she called Susan Rice an ape in 2013.

Why should she relinquish it for free?

Ah ok that explains it! They must have paid her a fuckton of money for her to reliquinsh that right.

Doesn’t she own the rights to the characters? Genuinely asking, given that she is the creator of the original show and characters, she would probably own the intellectual property (or co-own it) and therefore get some financial benefit from this spin off, which would negate ABC’s original stand in my eyes.

She also scammed her photographer friend out of 70,000, which said friend cannot afford. The friend wrote about it in Vanity Fair.

I live in a country very near to Italy (that is doing very well economically) and the number of Italians that have moved to my country in the last five years because they couldn’t find work back home is quite astounding.

You can also be expelled on grounds of public safety and also if you have served time. Although I’m sure that mass deportations of this nature would be attacked at the CJEU (although it would probably be scant comfort for those affected).

That is not the case in Italy. Young people there are chronically unemployed.

We can criticize those who brought it about though.

Some people object to the Kardashisation of women. Their look is one based on not looking entirely human and which people with normal means cannot achieve. It’s basically another rod with which women beat themselves up with if they don’t conform to certain beauty standards. That look has become more normalised, so

I still have to watch the last two episodes. I will watch it for sure.

That was my thought exactly. Not saying he’s not a piece of reheated crap, but I don’t think it’s really very surprising that he cheated if he’s consistently cheated on all of his wives. I liked the sly dig in the posted article, as they stated that his wife was also his mistress at the end of the article.

I think the season two finale was absolute perfection. This season was a bit hit and miss compared to the other two (in fact I haven’t finished it, although I will get round to it). It’s still a much better show than like (see what I did there) 75% of the shows on air.

I’m willing to bet 100 dollars that his son did not say that.