Dale Sams

Fifty-two percent of white women voted for Donald Trump.

The funny thing is her Root shout out. The people at The Root look at white liberals like like her and the gals at Jezebel with great disdain whenever they bring up “white feminists”, Beckys or white women in general.

I laughed three times in the opening paragraph. White guilt used to be my favorite guilt. Misplaced white guilt is even better though.

Clooney is more of an anti-hero rather than a villain in From Dusk to Dawn. Yes, he’s a scoundrel, but in the context in which the characters find themselves he becomes a default hero.

I especially like the part where you can’t say I’m wrong.

I mean, you could replace “Alex Jones” with “Shaun King” for most of your post and it still be accurate, and I think that’s the point the Dorsey dude is trying to make. Both are hateful, spread lies and conspiracies, and have psychotic followings. Both have presented danger to innocent parties. Both are racist. Shaun

I can’t wait for AIs to slaughter and/or put-into-a-zoo all human life on earth and finally do something worthwhile with the endpoint of our legacy of tool-use and creativity. 

I understand what you are saying, but don’t use the term racism, because this is literally the meaning of the term. It has nothing to do with who does or does not have power.

Cold Hummus is what’s wrong with the world. 

You are painfully stupid and need to find a dictionary.

Except Moore doesn’t “enjoy the checks”, he very publicly refuses to accept any money for these adaptations and refuses to do any kind of publicity. Seems fair to me.

As far as I know, the cashier scans a couple of barcodes and the digital coupon wallet figures it all out and provides the customer with a summary all whilst gather information regarding your shopping habits.

Nowhere in the article is it pointed out that what Cernovich is doing is exactly what the left has been doing to countless people: forget the context, pretend there is no such thing as humor and pretend to be outraged until the target of the day gets fired. It's called getting a taste of your own medicine. We need to

“The majority?” If Cernovich is in the majority let’s just nuke the planet now pls

It’s terrible when all these alt-righters go after people for innocuous tweets! Like all those alt-right freaks that went after Mark Duplass! Oh, wait...

The terrible truth is that the left gladly opened this can of worms that fueled the perpetual outrage machine and giddily lapped up the schadenfreude when Twitter

Whatever you say, Senator McCarthy.

Calling comic book Starfire “black” when 1) she’s not a human, 2) has blank green eyeballs, 3) not illustrated with brown skin, 4) and not drawn with African features. Dude, you are really grasping at straws.

The left started this, and everyone told them it would blow up in their face, and here we are. Congrats.

Starfire is Black????????? I have always thought she was an alien with orange skin.....interesting. I only have read her origin series about a 100 times and I didnt see any black folks in it. I missed all that. /s

Those top three bullet points, + the fact that it’s an ‘ironic’ retreat of a 1980s idea that should’ve been left for dead, + FREE SPACE = postmillennial fauxfeminist BINGO!!