Dale Sams

I’m wondering how far the hosts have already extended into “real” society. We know that Ford has the capacity to hide hosts in plain sight among real people (Bernard in S1). We’ve now seen in S2 that hosts have been deployed in the real world for various functions. Where does it end? Are Delos replacing real

Since I’m the kind of weirdo that enjoys Marx Brothers films, I’d put Brain Donors at #4 on that list. John Turturro kills it as the Grouchalike lawyer/sleazeball.

umm, what about Tom Hanks’ best movie “Bachelor Party”?

fuck hugh jackman. clancy brown forever

Old Detritus was just too darn heavy to carry down, once he completely froze over.

Starbucks has a real problem. A white woman I know has an teenage son who is black. She sat at a Starbucks table outside with a friend while he remained inside. A manager came on shift and walked up to him and said that he needed to be accompanied by an adult. He said, I am, my mom is outside. The manager looked

Let’s not be startling 80 year olds any more than necessary. (Now, if you want to put on a xenomorph costume while bursting into James Cameron’s hotel room, be my guest.)

How about the fact they did the soundtrack for Sweet Sweetback’s Badass Song? I don’t know that it gets any more Blacker than that.

You’re probably right - in the same way all Disco was used in Saturday Night Fever because Disco. I just remember learning to skating as a kid at the Kalorama Roller rink in DC (70's) to Boogie Wonderland. EWF defined the era of the Commodores, Ojay’s, TSOP, and err’ybody else during the golden age of R&B.

You should not speak on things you have no knowledge about. The fact that you could equate EWF - one of the original innovators and leaders of the 70's of infusing African sonics, symbolism and spirituality in the music they made specifically for Black people - shows your complete disregard for reality.

No !!!!they are far from white bread. Just because they have a few songs that the pilgrims and fake the funk on,does not make them white bread.Check their catalog....them comeback and speak on them!


The problem is “lots of South Asians are in good income quintiles” is not a sufficient metric. The question should be “would a South Asian be able to run for President without that being an issue (even implicitly)?” or “does society support their self-esteem or just mock and dismantle it?” or “can John Cho be the

They are the most successful “ethnic group” in the US by SES and educational achievement. It’s an Asian activist group suing Harvard for artificially limiting Asian acceptance into the institution in the name of affirmative action.

Cultural marginalization is different than economic marginalization, though. If your family is successful and yet random people still treat you like a freak for absolutely no reason (which is the phenomenon the people in the doc describe), I’d think you’d be more pissed, not less.

it’s his ship now, his command; he’s in charge, he’s the boss, the head man, the top dog, the big cheese, the head honcho, number one...

“The fact we cannot even tell who was trying to be racist tells you a lot about your typical white supremacist English soccer fan.”

Don’t let the facts get in the way of your story there, Timmy. The fact this “story” is still up is proof positive what an absolute fucking hack you are. I can guess you probably acted as Denton’s personal fuckboy to land this gig initially but how in the fuck does Univision justify keeping you around?

it looks awfully banana-shaped (and banana-colored) to us.

Native Americans are the forgotten minority when folks talk about racism and economic injustice.