Dale Sams

Well people seemed irrationally angry that Tarantino did those things himself in the film despite the fact that it’s likely he did them because she trusted him and they had a friendship and she’d prefer him than a stranger/crew person do it. I could be wrong of course, but that’s what I took from it. Of course people

While I’m not a huge fan of watching people get hit in the nuts myself, I’m also not a fan of when people state that they’ve never seen any part of a show, but then assert that anyone who liked it is a bad person. The people who liked watching the show didn’t like watching people get hurt, they liked watching people

God you’ve got such a warped perspective.

Does it really give more jobs to actors. If it wasn’t this dumb show, another show would fill the void, with its complement of actors. It’s not like they’d leave the timeslot empty.

Groucho was busy that weekend.

If your Legion Of SuperHeroes is wearing all black & only has three members, you’re doing it wrong

Well, it turns out that Superman has also gotten his head transformed into a lion’s head, and has had a miniature version of himself appear who has rainbow-shooting powers, while Lois Lane has used super-science to turn herself black in order to do research for a story. Reign decided to stay the hell away from that

Didn’t we used to mock old movies where everything was black and white, good and evil, and embrace it when they started being more nuanced and complicated? Now we’re just reverting back because people are just too fucking stupid to understand moral complexity or to be challenged in even the slightest way. These

The movie doesn’t have a responsibility to address anything other than what it addresses. I know people like you would enjoy having nothing but an hour and a half of progressive slogans chanted in your face, but others of us still believe in intellectually honest explorations of moral grey areas.

lol you’re the worst.

It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation for men. Tom Hanks seems like a decent guy but he stumbled on the issue during an interview. Matt Damon isn’t a bad guy but he’s a cautionary tale to other men to sit down and shut up because he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Fair enough.

McGavin and Dillon are most of that movie’s charm for me, though I have also always appreciated that Ralphie is allowed to be a believable, selfish kid instead of a cloyingly sweet Christmas movie kid.

Amen. As I get older, he gets that much better :)

Yeah, this one sucked. You could tell Kevin was trying extra hard to make the material work, but it all just fell apart, especially that cringeworthy teddy bear sketch. How the fuck did that one make it past the writers’ room? Not a great way for the show to close out the year, but hey, that awesome Foo Fighters cover

i’m white and i voted for doug jones b/c the opposition claimed he was pro-abortion; i am actually pro-abortion for real, so thanks, Campaign to elect Roy Moore! i saw a couple of black women voting that day. i also saw a few black people on the day i voted a write-in for presisdent. DATA POINTS.

America has many problems, I wouldn’t consider it the best country on Earth (as a dual American/australian citizen I sadly say neither of my homes qualifies there...). I also hate the American military industrial complex, and our privatized and corrupt prison systems where systemic racism is out of control.

I know that, in 2017, someone saying slavery was good ought to disqualify you from being Senator from any state

Not if you’re LGBTQ, non-Christian, or non-white. Things are getting dicey, but I’d much rather be here than there

I was saying boo-annis.