
It would take only 3-4 seconds to do a lap on the track above so you'll be able to pass as much as you would need. You could always add more cross overs if you need to.

That is cheap considering that is the best/most sophisticated set that they make. You can get a 2 car set for like $250.

6 cars doesn't sound like a lot but I run a league with 6 cars racing at one time and with a track that size that's actually going to be some crowded racing. You could always go to the [Slot.it] oxygen system that allows 20 some odd cars racing on two lanes if you wanted but good luck finding that many drivers and

Carrera's the best though...at my store we've had to take back like 90% of the SCX sets we've sold due to faulty powerbases.

Well it depends on the brand. The above track is $700 because it has 6 cars that are basically $50 each ($300), a $200 powerbase/lap counter/lap timer/speed and brake programmer, each of the 6 controllers cost $20 each ($120), each cross over section is $50 a piece ($100), the transformer to power everything is like

This is news how? I've been selling these for the past 4 years practically. Carrera slot car tracks are the best though.

Spa is on GT5.....?

Heh saw this video the other night as I was putting my Tarot 450 together. This is a video that shows that flying 3D helis is just not some huge mess.

It's worth the $15 when you think about the fact that this is the first game that they've made with online play. Sure it's just with one other person at a time but it makes each journey somewhat unique. Plus, this game is graphically superior to the first two titles and seems more complex too. I mean when it looks

why not?

I just beat it earlier today...awesome game!

lol I work at a hobby store so the minute I saw this thread I had to post the video.

Now playing

here's the difference that six years makes...

that heli without the radio would cost around $500-$800 depending on the quality of the electronics.

Now playing

Sorry but Carl has NOTHING on Tareq Alsaadi. (fast forward to the 1 minute mark).

Nice opinion peace...too bad game critics and millions of sold copies disagree with your assessment.

It's definitely you. Try using a PSP for like 3 years and the vita's analog sticks feel like an orgasm for my thumbs.

Pretty much sums up what I think of Biffle after his performance tonight.

I downloaded 1.4 and it improved the framerate substantially. Sometimes it will stutter just slightly when it's loading a new area which is no big deal. So far it's doing well with 1.4.

Obviously the lack of storage is a cost cutting measure. What they should have done is what apple did and had a few separate models but when you look at the price of the memory sticks it's not that unreasonable. An 8gb ipod touch is $199 but if you jump up to 32gb you have to spend $299. For the vita an 8gb card is