
@G-Ram: yeah I hear ya! my PSN name is the same as my name on here so feel free to add me!

@A.Jaswal: what are you 5 years old? Out of all the comments yours is by far the most ignorant. You are such a fanboy it's sickening and it proves that you have not paid any attention to the development of GT5. If you are so disgusted with Sony/PD why don't you sell the PS3 and just play with your 360 from now on? Do

@Zadkiel: So which would you rather have, a 16 car field or beautiful trees? Besides, you know how many effing trees are on this course? Hundreds.

@Steve Brandon: No, the people at Jalopnik are too stupid to know that Porsche and Sony are having licensing issues so Porsche won't be in the game.

@The Slurpee Man: how about re-writing all of their game code, adding 10 extra cars to the field, adding damage, 3d-cockpits of every single car, implementing online play, modeling around 1,000 vehicles for high definition graphics, do you really want me to go on or have I answered your idiotic question?

@tsarcasm: they have about 150 people working on it and spent $60million so far soooo what do you think?

@Number_Six: if you drive as poorly as you make jokes I doubt you'd be able to keep up with us on GT5 anyway.

@Alfisted: wow that joke was so original that I....oh wait nevermind.

@Nürburgring: So you're going to be an old man later this year?

judging by the comments I have to say that the majority of people that interact on this blog are either xbox fanboys (which wouldn't be surprising considering most gear-heads are too stupid to realize what a piece of junk the 360 is) or simply not recognizing what GT5 will have to offer or both. Many of you seem

@peteer02: which is even more crazy. That movie was so....out there haha.

The problem with games is they seem to be one of the few types of media that is still heavily censored from a ratings perspective. How many R rated movies contain explicit sexual scenes, full nudity, and gore that would be unimaginable just a decade ago (American Psycho anyone?). The game developers should have

@RockyRan: I understand that, and I am a huge GT supporter, but I'm getting to the point where I can't keep waiting for this game. Thank god AVP and God of War are coming out soon or i'd have nothing to distract me from this disappointment.

This is ridiculous. PD doesn't have to re-invent the god damn wheel! This game better be worth the wait.

I saw Modern Warfare 2 games in a UPS truck that was dropping off a shipment at my work last Thursday. On the boxes it said "DO NOT SELL BEFORE NOVEMBER 10TH". I guess those boxes didn't go to gamestop haha. #callofdutymodernwarfare2

@vdiddy210: The remote increases the voltage as you pull down on the trigger. Therefore the higher the voltage the faster the car will go. Also, these cars are just like real race cars when it comes to speed and handling. Cars that sit lower to the track and have wider tires usually handle better than those that have