Deadlocked. Just means could be one or more holdouts for not guilty. Or one or more for guilty. Just have to wait and see what the jurors say after this is all over.
maybe it’s the other way around.
The killers still get the guns, when the guns are outlawed. The honest law-abiding citizens are left defensless, dependent on calling 9-11 and waiting for the cops to get there before they become another statistic. NO THANKS. I choose to be able for me to buy , own and maintain firearms.
happens to white people too
please be sure to lookup the police reports. see if this really happened. fact check the story
ah yes, the good ole South
“Affordable” care act? I saw my health insurance bill go up to 4X what it had been. It was ALREADY “affordable” and now it’s anything but. But it’s somehow OK, because it supposedly gets insurance for welfare families and illegals who do NOTHING to earn it. ME: Go to school, get an education, get a good paying career…
I wonder how many Chicago gunshot victims have insurance? And how many cost the system a ton of money?