us preppers are already prepped for this, have been for years
us preppers are already prepped for this, have been for years
Just remember: Salute the rank, NOT the man. Even if you can’t stand the person. And work very hard to vote them out in 4 years.
Gee, I guess this could invalidate the election. And so, Hillary wins.
all you need is ONE, if it’s the RIGHT one
Sometimes, everybody DIES
I don’t see where theres a problem except with the drivers driving too fast for conditions. Maybe they should have slowed down. I see no fault with the Comcast guys
In Minnesota we have a saying: Winter is when nature does it’s very best to KILL YOU
THIS was the best skit on SNL:
Trump does not want to be President..... what have I been saying all this time?
lowest voter turn out in 20 years.... 4 million Dems did not vote.
Nobody got the President they wanted. Everyone got the President they DESERVE
gee, these pix make me wanna vote Hillary.... not