Jack Left Town

What’s it like being a hate-filled terrorist sympathizer?

This is actually very creative and cool.

Do they think this affects his single’s performance in some way?

I’m no firearms expert either, but that’s never stopped me from not killing anyone.

“It’s for the well-being of both sides of that wall, you know? An end to the violence. That’s it. An end to the violence for everyone’s peace and security. Just… humanity.”

And all of Ian Malcom’s climate change denial!

Greed finds a way.

Ezra Miller needs help, and it would be really irresponsible to kick him after he lost his career and probably at the lowest point in his life. I’m sure the razzies have a policy about punching down.

GTFO whitey. The browner the better!

They’re white millionaires, they ARE the establishment.

Could it be that as people get older they gain life experience, wisdom and a better understanding of the world, leading to a more balanced and mature worldview? Nah, must be some sort of brain thing lol.

I’m not a part of a libtard agenda!

According to liberals Jews are nazis, men are women, and blacks are white supremacists. We live in clown world.

Lifetime already made a pretty good “Cocaine Godmother” biopic a few years ago.

Bro can’t even roast a marshmallow 😂

Who actually has time to get their money’s worth out of these video game buffet subscriptions? They seem like a good value up front, until you actually calculate how many hours you’ll have to spend gaming to make it a net gain. It’s cheaper to just buy the games you want to play and take your time with them.

Hey genius, masks don’t protect you from getting sick. They protect other people from YOU when YOU’RE sick.

How does being a victim automatically make you awesome?

“No single part of anyone’s story defines them”

Also, bedbugs.