Always a good idea to proofread your posts before accusing anyone else of being stupid.
Always a good idea to proofread your posts before accusing anyone else of being stupid.
What’s your favorite album? I guarantee you it was’t recorded, mixed and mastered during Mon-Fri between 9-5.
“Nights and weekends? The horror!” - healthcare, skilled trade, and service industry workers
I have no idea what to expect from this. The obvious choice would have been David Fincher.
This is the consequence of G/O Union’s “win” a couple years back. It turned Jez into a money pit, and costed the staff their jobs in the long run.
More like hilariously ironic, since G/O Union’s “win” a couple years back is what caused Jez to become unfprofitable.
This is the consequence of G/O Union’s “win” a couple years back. It turned Jez into a money pit, and costed them their jobs in the long run.
These are the long term consequences of the G/O Union’s “win.”