Jack Left Town

Way to make this about you.

Damn my troll game must have really devalued this site lol. My work here is done.

Of course the media are framing this as a win for SAG AFTRA, but we have no idea what the terms of the agreement are. This has been a war of attrition, and they may have caved and settled for the studios “best and final offer” from the other day. For all we know, the studios got way more out of the deal than SAG AFTRA.

Afterlife was a soulless, nostalgia baited cash grab, and every minute I spent watching it was pure misery.

I consider myself a music lover, but then the Grammys reminds me I’m also a music hater.

Is that ringworm on her wrist?

Jews are Nazis, men are women, and blacks are white supremacists. The whole world is a Yakov Smirnoff joke now.

Remember this next time you feel like spouting some inane nonsense about how the system needs to be burned down. American democracy works.

Yeah, that comparison makes no sense. Guns aren’t provided for free. People have the right to buy homes and healthcare, same as they have the right to buy guns.

To borrow a phrase from the pro-abortion crowd: Don’t like guns? Don’t buy one. Hey, it’s your own argument.

No, the 2nd amendemnt does not state that ONLY members of a militia are allowed to own guns. If you follow the wording of the amendment, a well regulared militia is intended to ensure the “security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” The militia exists to protect everyone’s right to own

lol no one is going to pay to read a blog.

I’m honestly impressed at their stubborness. Not even coal miners fought against their own obsolescence this hard, and the coal industry actually affects regular people.

Sony has a twitter account that posts daily. They’re not distancing themselves from it.

You’ll be shocked to learn that Nintendo actually uses twitter themselves.

Virginia is for lovers who better use rubbers.

I’m not complaining, I’m answering Darkhawk’s question about why they don’t review South Park any more.