
Mmmmmm Tillamook cheese *Homer drool*

what are the odds that this wasn’t theft?

I, too, would prefer something nicer than I can afford.

And opening up the cannister only went $2B over budget. Incredible!

The Villain of the Mandalorian movie should be Evil Baby Yoda who looks exactly the same as Baby Yoda but he’s Red. 

You talking a small cup of black coffee or a venti sugar-laden Starbucks Coffee Beverage? Because the sugary, creamy coffees have to be much harder to clean off.

Using badges to unsuccessfully turn your car into one that was not sold in your region. Case in point: I saw an Acura RSX the other day, with what clearly looked like a homebrew job of removing the Acura and RSX logos and replacing them with a Honda and Integra badge.

It seems like at least part of Chick-fil-A’s problem was reactionary conservatives afraid that their fried cauliflower sandwich was part of some liberal plot to ban fried chicken or something.

I can’t be the only one who thinks this is kind of awesome, right? Isn’t this basically peak-Jalop? Buying the cars of yesteryear that we claim to pine for, but also with a warranty?

Disappointing headline. I was hoping the trucks were destroyed while thieves were trying to board a moving train to steal DVD players. Now that would have been a F&F style heist.

Can’t wait to see the data on how many anti-vaxxers are lining up for this.

Yeah but this specific one is.

Everything about this car is what Elon wishes the Cybertruck was

will you be inconvenienced when a drunk hits your sober ass?

This is why I am not against some form of sobriety test technology in cars.... Clearly our current regulations and enforcement regimes aren’t doing the job.

I remember I used to love doing these configurators with sports cars and supercars I could not afford.

All of me is just mad that Lexus didn’t just use aluminum like they planned and probably could have sold for about 200K$, which would have been bought more and 2019 would have probably been worth like 130K$ giving me a chance that I could own one...I have to make an excuse to not give me hope! will the engine fit in

He’ll replace student loans with indentured servitude to one of his companies.

They can put it in the same conference as Trump University.

The guy watches episodes of Dukes of Hazzard with a cigarette and white towel within arm’s reach.