
The not getting up to speed on the on ramp is one of my biggest annoyances! How idiotic is it to think hmmm the cars here are going at least twice what I’m going, should make me merging that much easier BOOM, accident. It puts you and everyone following you onto the on ramp in danger.

Imagine making a vehicle similar in vein to the delorean, only to suffer a similar fate eventually. I really think it won’t last in their lineup. Besides the fanboys and flavor of the month rich folks, who is gonna want them? Truck fans aren’t going to want them. Even with self driving etc, people who love tesla cars

always as in starting with season 4?? Even then they weren’t animating the episodes as fast as they do now, and as I mentioned, the format wasn’t this long drawn out story connecting each episode for an entire season. It was similar to the simpsons format where each episode resolves and starts on a blank slate the

chill simpsons comic book guy! Obviously the show changed formats about 10 years ago to the format I described in detail. By your super cool comic book guy logic the show has been the same show since season 1..... #worstepisodeever

I was a fan until the show transitioned to the up to the minute social commentary/canon storylines. I didn’t like missing an episode and it being part of the plot for the season and such. Also, the social commentary can be long in the tooth. What happened to just pre pubescent toilet humor? Reminds me of the current

Yeah, I don’t get how GT and Forza almost hit the nail on the head until you get into the details. My fave forza was 2, after that they changed how the car classes could race, might be wrong, but I remember them removing the ability to build up a sleeper car and race against higher class specs. The last forza was ok,

This I already knew, when I mentioned physics it was more about the difference between the current GT and the new Forza

I’d still get the trail boss, but thanks I guess

I’ve always like the colorado, recently I saw they sell a really sick Trail boss trim that slots below the zr2 but above the z71. That’s the trim I’d buy if I had any money for a new vehicle lol

I’ve always jumped back and forth between GT and Forza, one always seems to outdo the other with various sequels. I was fully a forza fan with part 1 and 2, didn’t like 3, then jumped back to GT.

he’s caucasian, he’ll be given a street named after him and probation for a year maybe 2 max.

I’m glad she used such strong restraint, she knew if she’d gone off on him the stupid “stunt” riders would’ve probably ganged up on her. She sure got him to show his true bitchassness though.

Why do I feel this is going to be a major political point for Florida now?

Another memory I have is I remember video stores getting movies before they were available to purchase, like maybe a week or 2 before. I happened to go spend the weekend with my uncle and cousin and still remember him being hyped for me to visit and telling me “Dude, guess WHAT!?, We can watch Terminator 2!” I was

This movie came out when I was 6 and I still remember it being my favorite movie at the time. (until jurassic park came out) T2 still stands the test of time and my dad and I still quote it from time to time. Our fave quote hilariously enough is “ You’re not my dad Todd!”


rooting for the Texans then? 

IMO chili without beans is just a way to cut corners. I enjoy all types of chili though, although on chili dogs i do prefer to have a meatier ratio, my preferred chili dog chili is cooking up some ground beef, seasoning it with chili powder and adding a can of my favorite store bought chili. I only really like making

I don’t get the “comic book guy” rick and morty fans, that have complained about the series since the 3rd season, but now are all on the #FREEROILAND train, like they wouldn’t be complaining if he still did the voices.

Even if Roiland had stayed, “purists” would still complain about S7, just like they’ve complained about each season since 3. Also, not to be pro “scab” AI, but couldn’t they have figured out a way to have Ai do the voices?