
Which restock server are you following? 

Granted it is BAD, its a good kind of junk food variety of bad. Nic Cage and Jerry Bruckheimers “michael bay before michael bay” styling makes it almost a cult classic. I thought the movie was awesome when I was 12 and wasn’t driving. Then I happened to discover the original gone in 60 seconds, with real car chases

I actually learned it isn’t very hard at all to nab either console. Find a restock server to follow on discord and boom. Literally got woken up by my phone alert a few months back that the ps5 was restocked at walmart, a few taps on my phone and I scored. Last week, I decided I wanted an xbox series x, did the same

It is the chip shortage. If there was more supply, resell wouldn’t be nearly as high because people could just wait for the next big restock. Its literally basic supply and demand as well as the market setting the price thru ebay etc.. If there was more supply the average $800-900 resale price wouldn’t exist. 

I’ve managed to score a ps5 and an xbox series x, and the easiest way i’ve found is subscribing to discord server. Got the ps5 after my phone woke me up that walmart had stock and scored thru the app. The xbox, I legit had to subscribe to walmart+ to get early access, and managed to score last week.

Pfft, yeah not that rare.... You only need to literally hunt for them, follow leads online, joint discord servers, subscribe to walmart+ and still hope you get thru and score one.... But yeah, not that rare, just as rare as any other thing currently in small supply with a huge demand....

Sometimes its hilarious when billionaires try to do something they have no clue about doing. Almost with child like dumbness, “we don’t need mirrors” even though its touted its towing abilities.

You know I laughed at the cybertruck and the mustang mach e when they were shown, and I found myself virtually building the mach e last week, which I never thought I’d do. I think the cybertruck might grow on me, but also, I hate all of teslas vehicles with a passion at the moment so maybe not, who knows. In the words

AMEN! I laughed when I first saw the last gen type R but it ended up growing on me especially once the performance stats and reviews came in. It was bold and unapologetic. This new gen of civics in general are as exciting as a rental Corolla.... They dialed it back way too much and now its just ok looking. The type R

I still seriously doubt any collectors will scoff at broncos with the replaced top over the original disentegrating tops. 

dude SAME. I legit freaked out a bit as I use regular old spice deodorants. 

Wow these “journalists” really suck on how they post their stories...

I always get excited when I see a Pajero for sale only to never see the evolution trim next to those words. When will the pajero evolution be able to import?

Anyone else run into the “shake machine” is down excuse at other fast food places besides mcdonalds? I’ve seen a pattern of this happen when you try and get a shake at places like jack in the box. 

I’ve always liked Civics, however this gen si just seems too bland to me. I know people hated the anime styling of the last gen but this one seems like they tried too hard to tone it down. They could’ve definitely made it a bit sportier. 

All the hate for a possible return of Vigo, yet if he’d said slimer would return no one would be hating... smh... Afterlife was good, and they could definitely use Vigo in a sequel in addition to maybe some new villains.

I remember when I had a SOAD cover band in HS, our guitarist would borrow his grandmas van that looked exactly like this one from time to time to bring gear to our jam sessions. I would always call it the NASA shuttle. good times

That’s smart of them! Lets take their hands off the steering wheel EVEN MORE. 

Not if they were in Texas thats for sure.