
Try gathering your thoughts a bit, you make as much sense as your username....

My question on EV pollution has always been, over time, once EV’s are the majority, won’t that create another wealth of waste with the batteries?

Great, so on top of just regular shitty teachers, we have to add manipulative racists to that....

This is the damn sad reality of our society.

I say they just rename the franchise “meatheads with fast cars”

Dang, I thought they’d been dead longer for some reason.

You spelled “new lancer evolution” wrong.

I hope Arizona doesn’t take Kyler Murray. In fact I hope no QB’s go in the 1st round.

I see I’ve found a fellow simpsons fan :D

So thats why the US had to bail those limey bastards out!

Well it definitely beats their original name idea for Kwazy Komanche Koffee..

You win today sir

It’s only a matter of time before Trump uses this to label them as sneaky Mexicans.

I live in the City where he was Mayor and saw his rise and STILL can’t tell the difference

All Trump has done is weaponize his image and given racist, sexist, homophobic people a hall pass to roll with him and everything will slide....

I have a sneaking suspicion this name was stolen from the Great Ned Flanderses.

The originals actually looked much cooler than the more recent models

As cool as the idea and tech is, the average smart phone user is way too rough on electronics for these things. Think about the amounts of average users who constantly drop their phones, crack screens, etc. Now make it with 2 screens, a hinge, and a very very delicate polymer layer.

Damn, I really wanted the mocking spongebob figure.

I hated on this car when it finally released because it didn’t have ungodly amounts of horsepower, it looks subdued, and for some reason the hybrid drivetrain bugged me.