
No offense to the female species, but its the same reason some buy big trucks or other suv’s. It’s the “yes we can” mindset.

Sidenote, is it just me or have smartphones reached a ridiculous price point?

Easy there buddy! Homeboy said Sebring, I’m rolling with the Sebring.

His original statement was for a Sebring, not the 200. So ... technically the other guy was also correct. They’re the same car, but still. Technically.

You say that, and yet I stand by my remark.

Yeah, but the sebring is still the turd of the automotive world in the looks dept....

If Nissan isn’t careful, they’re going to end up being like Mazda. Cool nice cars but no sport.

How odd. When I was in Little League, one of my teammates mom would make something similar, albeit not as sugary and I can’t for the life of me figure out how they made it. Their version was peanut butter, corn flakes and something else that helped it bind.

Eventually He’s just going to say all news is fake, and all food other than McDonalds is bad for you.

Didn’t Fox News falsely report the turnout for Trumps swearing in?

So add headlights to the list of things America is still a decade behind in.....

It’s that red blooded dragon energy America has coursing thru its veins

In the time it took to type that, another cathedral burned and was saved by frenchie the robot.

Sorry about that

I wonder how many doomed amazon workers also have a ton of student debt?

I think its mainly because the people who try and sell these barely used cars don’t quite understand the concept of “being underwater” on a car loan. The vehicles most likely aren’t paid off yet, and are worth less than what they owe back. (depreciation is a hell of a drug).

I was about to say, this robot really beats Trumpitos genius idea....

Pfft... I personally think these are cooler and have more features, also, you don’t have to wait to buy them:Pandoras Box Emulator

That’s what I’ve been saying, he basically keeps the team relevant and competitive. It’s not the defense or his o line. The defense is still rebuilding, the o line has been a liability for most of his career. Yet he still comes in and puts in his work and effort.