
clearly you’ve never seen a game show either...

I like to think so, thanks pal!

I like to think so, thanks pal!

Judges? Ooooh no, sorry, the correct answer was What is racism?, but thanks for playing....

Damn... first the simpsons replica house and now this..... rich people suck

He reminds me of a mashup of the emperor from star wars crossed with gary oldman’s uncredited character in the film Hannibal, i.e the rich guy that survived Hannibals attack but had a messed up prosthetic face. that and also a bit of supreme leader snoke....

No one needed 3D tv and I’m sure theres still folks here that regret buying it.

No one needed 3D tv and I’m sure theres still folks here that regret buying it.

I don’t get why Rodgers gets the bad guy label as well when he had such a cheese curd for a coach....

This is all just pre rematch hype....

This really sucks for the players and the actual people who were fans. I only got to see 1 game in my home market, and it was really fun seeing people support it. People were having fun, a lot of folks I talked to were considering season tix for next season as was I. It was nice to be able to see a football game on

Which in turn sounds much better than “no.”

Notorious biker gangs are almost hilariously exempt when compared to bloods and crips.

I’ve said it before and will say it again... THESE ARE THE CRUSTY OLD BASTARDS running our country......

It’s funny how people form such thorough opinions based on 2 minutes of footage.....

What gave the impression that I don’t realize that, fool?

You know who else is insightful, your mom.

So AGAIN, this guy got hired to run the U S A..... without any type of competency exam or test, but Joe Nobody gets denied a job because he can’t type 45 WPM...... Okay......

I smell a lawsuit coming.

The list is too long to put here.

Hey there, muppet here, seriously, if you’re that passionate about F1 where the heck are your blogs, articles, youtube channel, contributions to the art of F1?