
Death by a thousands latte’s”... a Hoboken story

I think they are just throwing the bodies in the water and then classifying them as drowning.

Dan Savage (of Savage Love) had the best fiscal argument ever for making cities more usable by non-drivers- it allows the city government to tell drivers to shut the fuck up about traffic. “oh you’re stuck in a traffic jam? then take the train/bus/bike/any other way to get around.”

Fuck giant trucks and the douchebros that buy them


but the survivability of an impact balloons to more than 93 percent when the car is moving at 20 miles per hour.”

Then why have hobken’s drowning deaths gone up 1000's of percentages? I think they are just throwing the bodies in the water and then classifying them as drowning.

I just think its level of disrespect for the office that should not be out there. As much I might want, I would not do the same with Trump while he was in office. Such “patriots” but they are constantly hypocritical about the way they go about being Patriotic.

Yup, regardless of Politics I do not like seeing the Flag coopted.  There are technically a lot of rules around using it or wearing it but, why deal with semantics when the general optics are crap.

Note that there’s not a single unadulterated American flag.

i always have the strongest urge to flip off anybody that has a sticker like “FUCK JOE BIDEN AND FUCK YOU FOR VOTING FOR HIM”, i’m the last person that’d defend joe biden but i’ve also got a 4 year old that’s starting to learn to read stuff and that’s the last thing i want him to be reading

I have a 2020 prime and mixed city and freeway driving (I am the speedy prius guy, although I am aware that I’m in a prius so I avoid being too aggressive) will average around 220ish mpg. The absolute worst I’ve ever gotten in this car is 51mpg, and that was a day with a lot of driving and an uncharged battery. And

I’d prefer we adopt EU level consequences for bad driving than we start messing with the cars more. 

You mean to tell me this guy won’t be an easy guy to have a nice fair and balanced discussion about, well anything?

The NTSB determined the Challenger driver’s use of cocaine and PCP impaired his decision-making...”


Yes, any RAM - but the ass with the “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker leads the pack. How many DUIs have you had, moran?

Miata’s with automatic transmissions.  It’s the only time Miata isn’t the answer.

If you drive this, you’re either: