
that lying dick had to get the car to and from the track and practice. he was probably hooning it for the entire 3 days. i mean i would, if i was that kind of asshole.

They didn’t win anything they placed 15th in their class and 100th overall. They were the only Supra in the mile. The only thing they won is best liar award for a teacher.

Obviously the guy is lying. What I’m more confused by is how a near-stock Supra won anything? Don’t know how the Texas Mile works, but it’s either straight-up top speed, or classed, and either way, I just don’t see the Supra beating out all its competitors. It’s fast, but 160 mph (in context here) is not that fast.

Minivan. Under the radar. Plus I can drive like the harried parent I am. Just crank up The Wiggles and go!

I think a Turbo Cayenne. It blends in anywhere these days, a well kept one has plenty of go if needed. big enough for bags of money/guns/plutonium.. whatever you need to haul

Nissan GTR. Its fast but most importantly its easy to drive fast. also a reasonable amount of cargo space for contraband.

The Chevy Bolt has entered the chat

“One day, when all these useless politicians (on both sides) stop their pissing matches over who can screw whose base over more, I might be able to get an EV, that I can charge at a convenient place, for less than my yearly salary. Maybe even, dare I say, get a rebate?”

It’s not like EVs are brand new at this point. The Model S came out a decade ago. Battery failures are about like motor failures on an ICE. Partial exception are old models with no thermal management in hot climates like the early Leafs. 

31K for a 5 year old Model 3 is still high. Hopefully you still have some warranty left because that can turn into an expensive 31k brick.

They’re ignoring them. When you have powerful friends these things don’t apply to you.

Another corrupt Republican.  Big surprise.

You’re right. Three buck chuck. Fuckin’ inflation kept him from getting two pallets!

I tried it in Kerbal Space Program, but the delta-V to get their massive egos into orbit just isn’t worth the fuel it takes.

Fuck him, Fuck his election-denying wife. 

I can’t even muster sufficient expletives to describe how I feel about Clarence Thomas and the bloated museum of treachery he calls his wife. The people are the worst kind of traitorous filth.

I’m confused.

Two fucking pigs bellied up to the trough.  They have no shame. 

Few republicans feel shame over this. Jealousy? Yes.