
I’m not a big Porsche guy as, though I like them, they just don’t excite me. I’ve thought of a used Cayman a few times, but it’s just short of the right amount of appeal. This Taycan, though, is the only current car being sold that I could actually see paying more than $32k for and that it’s about 100k more expensive t

This the first Porsche in a decade I’ve seen on the road, turned my head to keep it in sight, and then went online to see what it is. It’s gorgeous. I want one. The one I priced out came to $175,000.

How many 100-30 MPH breaking test does it take to start its brakes on fire?

I loaned my brother my extra car (09 WRX hatch) after a bit he called to ask if he should get an oil change, but I said nah becuase I didn’t want some cheap ass jiffy lube and then he ran it dry and the engine threw a rod so then I sold it cheap to a friend who wanted to replace the engine, I bought it back from him

APR Stage 1 on my 2011 Audi A3 Hatch. Loved that car. But the moment I drove away from the shop who did the tune and boost gauge install, I knew something wasn’t right. Shop is well regarded too but even the Audi Service Tech said it looked like someone went in with a chainsaw and hacked the ECU box and everything

I once bought a brand new Jeep Patriot.

I can’t be the only one seeing elephant dick, right?

OK, I played with the configurator.

The HP difference comes from the longer, more restrictive exhaust needed for the mid engine.

The BMW M8 was also a tank

Jalopnik’s been letting in some low effort clickbait recently, but this really takes the cake. Fire the editor who greenlit this, then fire the guy who hired that editor.
Except that was probably a herb.

the Urus is a pretty good luxo sport suv tbh

Its not a myth though, is it?  I mean, they DON’T make em like they used to...they are much safer now.

AWD is “safer”. Yes, your car will generally have a better time accelerating from a stop. No, your car won’t necessarily stop or turn any better than a FWD or RWD car. AWD means nothing if you exceed what the laws of physics will allow.

They don’t make ‘em like they used ta! My old car was made of steel and would destroy a new car in a crash!

You mean any US highway patrol officer would not impound an Iranian-Mexican national doing 147mph through Oklahoma after buying a car in Canada (see BRZ article)?

You suck Denmark.

What? I’ll just smash in the base of their skulls with the butt of the .45 that every good ‘murican is issued at birth.

Well if your pretty sure they are unarmed morons. That’s the problem in the US. It’s a crap shoot ( no pun intended ) on whether physical violence will result in some sort of escalation.