
A word of warning, I had a 2019 Hellcat 6MT as a DD for 6 months and then I traded it in on my 2020 Jaguar F-Type. Hellcat was a completely different animal and far more fun than the Jaaaag, but it was an AWFUL DD. 11 mpg, heavy clutch, and a massive physical footprint. I’m usually not one to complain about a

Your city is definitely not too small for transit. For example, Stuttgart German has a population of ~600k and has a very robust transit system....despite being the home for two of Germany’s most renowned automotive companies.

That’s not how you get clicks, tho...

I’m always amazed by the binary thought process that seems prevalent today - If you’re “this”, you cannot be “that”.

Dude, don’t you know the rules? Before you can criticize a blatant, aggressive, overt plainly reckless act of war, you have to spend 1-2 dozen words explaining how you understand Iran is bad and the guy who died was bad, or else you are a terrorist sympathizer who hates The Troops. 

Yep. And he could get a nice one and add some nice mods for less than $10k. Actually, I’ll sell him mine for $9k. Here it is:

Thanks for your dedication to this Rob, it’s a great start to every day and the prose as well as comments section are always interesting reading.

Is a Lada domestic?

I didn’t expect this situation to Escalade so quickly.

And they say socialism sucks!

The Suburban should not exist.

I need this for ma family ‘n stuff.

Forgetting about the Maison Blanche kink, are we? Introducing the Porsche Curves bypassed a very fast section of track with a more complex turning section and added an additional Ford chicane, just look at the comparison from 1971 to 1972 below and see how drastically it changed the track.

they need to make watching it easy. Unless I’m tapped into the goings-on, i miss every single race that happens because i don’t have a subscription or wasn’t aware the race was occurring. Marketing the races with the vehicles actually racing would be very useful; Ads and commercials.

Speaking of “buzz”, tens of thousands of people probably drove home over the legal limit over the weekend without killing anyone. So quit whining about drunk driving, don’t be a buzzkill.

Did I do that right?

Most guns getting brought into schools don’t result in deaths either. They did it. Nobody died. Don’t be a buzzkill.

So many whiny people. They did it. Nobody died. Don't be a buzzkill.

They had spotters. With radios. Jesus. You guys act as though a couple of choads just jumped in a car with no prep or logistics and sped down the highway all Willy Nilly.

I’d be completely fine if your parents knew the rules of the road, unfortunately they don’t.

A friend of mine has one.  It makes the most amazing angry V8 noises.