
Does the world really need two A35s, two CLA35s, as well as a GLA35 and GLB35? Two hatchbacks, two small sedans, and two small suvs.. let alone the various 45 and 45 S models of the same cars.

Also, they conveniently forget how many Republicans were talking about impeaching Hillary months before the election.

Maxine’s statement is the perfect rebuttal to the Republican talking point that “some of the Democrats started talking impeachment the day Trump was elected!”
Well, duh. When a habitual grifter and criminal who either personally or his businesses have been found guilty of fraud and other crimes numerous times is

If they’re illegal, how can they come from the factory like that?

There should be plenty of real world European data to support or disprove your opinion....

I’d agree except I’ve never seen any evidence that vehicle regulation has ever been guided by the principal that a part must not ever have the potential of failing. TPMS is a required part that fails regularly in vehicles, offering this potential saftey issue. Cameras in Driver assist packages suffer from the same

All exterior lamps shall be steady-burning with the exception of

The Macan and SQ5 are more than cousins, considering they shared so much in the beginning (the Q3 is an entire class smaller). However, everything I have seen shows they are worlds different in function. Most people relate the handling to be nothing alike. Obviously, the interiors are very different, so preference and

Japan’s roads are too good for their own good. Makes it so Japanese manufacturers don’t know how to set up a car that can ride well and handle at the same time.

I have heard many people wax poetic about how long trips are almost as easy as for ICE cars, if you plan it out.

That looks brighter and lighter than Carmine Red... and somehow richer than Guards Red... but maybe it is just the photography.

I take it you haven’t driven one.

We got a base Macan as a loaner last year. They are awesome. Some people just have to be contrarian and hate them. Enjoy.

Interesting how you pointed out a lot of cool performance stats, but you left out the most important detail:

I had the same experience in the base Macan, too. I think it has something to do with the steering (great) and the decreased weight in the nose because of the smaller engine. It just feels so much more agile than competitive crossovers—and the higher-trim Macan models as well.

No manual.  My civic has a manual, as much storage space (probably) and is also red.  Therefore it is superior.

So it’s almost as good as a CX-30?

Isn’t that what the 0.7 factor is meant to cover? As in, shouldn't the 201 mile range be the range in adverse conditions?

You’re an outlier. Nothing wrong with that, but your use case is atypical.

I perused the all article looking for the usual Jalopnik disclaimer, expecting to find something along the lines of: