
I hate CUVs, after driving a Macan I would make an exception for it and only it. So even if it is a weird cross-shop, the Macan wins for me

Lol! We’re not talking about a hellcat here. You can certainly use 350 hp in a small SUV without going too wild. No one is bragging about the sub 400hp they have under the hood.

NPoCP is a popularity contest for most people. It could be the deal of the century on a car not many people like and it gets a CP, but if it’s a ratty old brown diesel miata wagon, it gets an automatic NP even though no one clicking NP would actually pay that much for it.

The “Porsches that aren’t Porsches” battle was a long time ago. Your side lost. There's even a second Porsche CUV, now. Move on.

To be fair, about the only Porsches you can buy at $35k are the SUVs or Boxster.

“it’s easier than you think on a closed course in the presence of and with permission from trained professionals with ready access to medical resources should something go wrong”

The only thing real about those housewives are their collarbones, maybe.

Your mistake was doing something for the greater good.

In your defense, you still have your van.

Not really, Instagram by default formats everything into a 1:1 format. It probably was originally filmed vertically. :P

That may be the only wise choice they made all night

At least it’s in landscape mode.

Audi does not do it. They have a very consistent relationship between vehicle name and performance that has been maintained for more than a decade. The S-line packages aren’t even a part of the trim level name, they are merely styling options on the sheet.


One of the worst parts is Cadillac is adding and subtracting models from its lineup incredibly fast. There are fewer and fewer car examples like a Camry or Accord where there is a lineage to follow so you know have expectations on the car before you even see it.

Nobody would be pissed at all if they called these V-Sport instead of full V.

That is all the RS6 is good for, straight lines, no?”

Ok, tried to secure a line at my dealer. The guy said I need to put down a deposit. Where do I get that?