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I’m ashamed to remember this movie, but not a specific car chase:

John Davies would wax poetically about a base level 2013 Sentra if given the chance. I love him for it, but using his bonafieds for liking a car is like saying, “But my mom thought my painting of a cat was nice!”

I have a close friend who had a 12c and now has a p1, and another close friend who is an instructor at the McLaren school at Sonoma Raceway. The reliability has definitely improved a bit since the 12c, but they still have quite a few issues (the sport series cars at least dont have the high maintenance hydraulic

Well that was one of the observations of the original NSX. Civilized when you’re on a leisurely jaunt with your SO and fast when you stomp on it.

There is a great inner joy you get driving around a car that’s totally civilized when you want it to be, also totally quiet when you want it to be, and also gorgeous and fast and fun when you have the space and time. The car feels like it’s supporting you, which is not something you get in a lot of cars. (Though it’s

The NSX feels like an Accord.

The NSX tech is already trickling down! Check out the Hybrid MDX, similar ideas and tech used in the NSX.

Why does everyone think the original NSX was some analog hero?

This one got a lot of love on Reddit so I suppose it must be my best! Also, it’s my car.

I am impressed, the last time I knocked a building down with a car the paint got a bit scuffed.

I’m sorry, but a 79 year old woman intentionally going 147 in a Boxster shouldn’t be given a fine OR a ban. She should be given a medal, because she’s clearly a goddamn global hero.

From reading the title I assumed she was traveling. Boy was I wrong. I love her. I feel like she was at home reading the “Old People Stereotype” book and just got so upset she decided to take it upon herself to prove it wrong. She’ll pay that fine with a smile, drive cautiously for 3 months and on the 91st day break