
I would get any of them. And then I would get arrested. Because stealing.

Isn’t this supposed to be the new Elise?

Why GT3-RS when you could McLaren 650 instead?

I spy LED strips and a missing projector

Those are stock headlights...



Can we change punch in the face to a kick in a certain region?

I’m always on-guard when an RX comes by. It is the bane of my driving existence...five in my short driving history have nearly forced me off the road.

Every SUV.

These are the LED tears due to a lack of segment identity...because if you want to be a sales success as an automobile you have to be more than really, really, really, good looking.

Ugggg so much going on here. 1. Why do people do this leave a gap the size of a city bus thing. 2. Why did dude only decide to close said gap when the pick up truck decided to jump in to the gap this guy left. 3. Why am I not surprised that the pick up truck occupants were exactly what I expected the pickup truck

My shit = lost

a NSFW warning would have been nice there...

Ok, Mazda listen. Longtime rotary fan here and electrical engineer. I may be expecting a raise soon. If this is put in production for no more than $60k I will buy it. That is a promise.

I’m sure the wheels will get smaller and the green house will get bigger as will the wheel gap but that isn’t all bad. The wheels and wheel gap can be handled by the aftermarket. Also, if you look at how the the concept that previewed the current 6 to the production 6, I would say they did a nice job of meeting all

I know we all like to hate on “boring” grey cars, but this looks awesome. I think you can respect the unique shapes seeing of the car when painted in a boring color.