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    I had same experience with a 2017 340.

    Bought new 2017, way below MSRP.

    I have a 2018 GT hatch with manual I bought new. Other than rear camera glitches (which apparently is going through recall process for wiring), it has been so reliable and so fun to drive. IMO the relatively light weight is more important than horsepower. It feels like the antithesis of today’s heavy, high-hp, numb

    Dang, you had had all the models I drooled over when I had no money. :) I am very disappointed with the direction BMW is going these days. Oh well, I should appreciate what I have, before they all become zero-pedal, driver involvement optional “cars” in 10 years ... 

    Yea meet me at a track event or a mountain road, and I’ll show you not relevant =). I test drive as a side job

    It’s the new reality unfortunately. People tout freaking “one pedal driving” when I am looking for 3 pedals ... Why drive a car even? Just ride the bus. That’s zero pedals, fully “autonomous”, and you can nap, read, etc much more safely than in a Tesla.

    I had a 340i manual, 2017. The chassis and engine are perfect, steering (for me anyway) was garbage. vague on-center, felt very unnatural. I actually prefer the Macan for better steering in the twisties. the weight doesn’t really hurt the fun factor that much on slow country roads. Point is, sometimes a higher center

    Fair enough!

    My drive is 50% curvy country roads, zero traffic.  i realize that may sound like gloating, but that is why i love my options

    thus anything can be a crossover if the manufacturer says it is

    The Cayenne is a wannabe 911? That’s a new one.

    That’s just BS. Compared to a Miata, the EVO is also a huge compromise (too many doors, too many seats, too heavy)

    Don’t we all buy cars with our particular niche “needs”? Some people “need” to drive something that’s both fun AND can carry their family in comfort, because driving the GT4 only on weekends would makes them resent their weekday commute too much.  Why compromise your daily commuter when you don’t have to?

    Porsche is laughing all the way to the bank, so they must be doing something right ... probably ...

    First, assuming that many of these households don’t have a 3rd or 4th car that’s a sports car is silly.

    Let’s stop giving non-car people excuses with these nonsensical definitions. It’s no surprise that “crossover” is losing its luster now, so marketing dept have to create cool “coupes” like the Cayenne “coupe”  LOL

    I think we are in general agreement. I just get so worked up when non-car people pretend “crossover” has a meaning, and journalists try to retro-fit a meaning onto this non-sensical term to, what, help vain people justify spending more money while getting poorer fuel economy?

    People who are too shallow to admit they need a hatchback or minivan care a lot too. Like most Pathfinder owners

    I’ve heard many people say stuff like, “let me grab my wallet from my truck,” as the walk to a sedan or minivan. People just want to seem cool. Crossover never had a meaning

    Does it even have to be “lifted”? What would have been hatchbacks are all “crossovers” today. The term has never been based on anything objective. EVER. One can’t start retro-fitting objective criteria.