Hmm, the misogynist-in-chief is expressing support for women.. how rich! And doesn’t Stephen Bannon have his own history of domestic violence against his ex? Seems Trump’s administration is peopled by women haters and sexual predators.
Hmm, the misogynist-in-chief is expressing support for women.. how rich! And doesn’t Stephen Bannon have his own history of domestic violence against his ex? Seems Trump’s administration is peopled by women haters and sexual predators.
I love the fact that Melania Trump is holding a luncheon today to mark the importance of International Women’s Day.
is he unaware that birth control fails? so, i can take all of the “precautions” and still get accidentally pregnant - or what he calls “irresponsible”.
As a currently pregnant person, I’d like to tell this man to fuck the fuck off with his host bullshit. I wanted this baby and pregnancy is miserable as FUCK. This isn’t hosting, this is being bled fucking dry by a goddamned alien (if you’re reading this in the future, little dude, just know that I mean every fucking…
Man, I am also so sick and tired of these people acting like unplanned pregnancy only happens because the woman was a big ol’ irresponsible dumb dumb who just didn’t feel like using birth control. Unprotected sex happens for SO many reasons. Sometimes one or more parties are drunk. Sometimes you forget to take the…
And once you pop out that kid we forced you to carry to term, don’t worry, we’ll have cancelled all of the social services available to you and the kid because once its out of you we feel like we’ve done our part.
I know. This didn’t even enrage me. I just thought: well, they finally said it out loud.
“Inviting that in”. I just...I can’t even.
And there it is.
Also, having a franchise with a female protagonist driving it is such a rare opportunity.
Well, this was very enlightening. I had wondered why of all the OW character when I saw this on a poster at a women’s rally for South Korea. Now I understand why.’s Year of the Rooster costume—a modern hanbok design—has got some Korean men constantly trying to look up her skirt as a humiliation tactic against opponents
I really don’t understand why the press isn’t properly trolling and baiting him, as he’ll fall for the hook every single time. Why not ask a question like “do you think there were a significant amount of African-Americans among the millions you claimed voted illegally in the past election?”, then sit back and watch…
Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.