Showrunner Bruce Miller told the New York Times, “I don’t feel like it’s a male or female story; it’s a survival story.”
Showrunner Bruce Miller told the New York Times, “I don’t feel like it’s a male or female story; it’s a survival story.”
“As good fortune would have it, we had a bodyguard that summer,” she writes. They persuaded their bodyguard to buy lemonade, and then their driver, and then the maids, who “dug deep for their spare change.” The lesson, she says, is that the kids “made the best of a bad situation.”
What Kendall is doing is surprisingly savage.
Sooo they’re trying to block abortion by denying funds used for contraception, which is actually the most efficient way to *prevent* abortions. This “pro-life” movement is not really about preventing abortions. It’s about (and always has been about) policing the sexual behavior of women and limiting their family…
Hah! The BF recently moved cities and he is watching wrestlemania, which I am kind of sad to miss, but also kind of happy he’s not here so I can watch Big Little Lies, Girls, and Last week Tonight peacefully.
congrats! It can be very true, becoming a parent can push you into being very grown up, and it’s not weird that it would do that to Hannah as well. I think because she’s so self-absorbed that viewers have connected that with being unable to care or feel. Abortion is an interesting issue-I have 2 kids, one I found…
I see Judd Apatow really wants us feminists to love the ending to Knocked Up.
I’m incredibly old, and I remember well that my friends and I watched American Bandstand religiously (mostly on my best friend’s TV, which was a huge, clumsy, black-and-white cabinet set, an RCA if I’m remembering correctly—this was back in the day, when TV stations signed off late at night and came back on with the…
That is a really important point, that only 19% were for Trump.
Side effect of viagra?
I really want to see this conversation.
Part of being a youth-oriented culture is that we in the United States are very uncomfortable with earnestness, because it is so often associated with callowness and inexperience. Once you are mature enough to “understand how things work” you will of course adopt an attitude of cynicism and ironic detachment.
A more plausible explanation is that she’s the sort of asshole writer that gets involved with people who she thinks would make a good story she can sell.
That’s great. Big fan of your stuff.
He thought it was fine saying those things about Keira Knightly because the people he hangs out with, in the business he operates in, talks about women and people of color that way every day with impunity. So when he got blowback about it and realized his words were heard by people not full of white bro privilege, he…
Yes yes it it is.... Vincent Gallo has a website with a “store” section...this is one of the available items
Lissen up white folks, it is damn near impossible for a minority to do anything to collective hamper your lives. When a term, which most of you didn’t even know before this past weekend, comes out describing a facet of you or your culture, it’s OK not to feel offended (god knows black folks take on the chin whenever…
Internalized racism is a horrific thing. It’s such a deeply toxic aspect of racism that most white people have no idea about (including me until I was well into adulthood). White oppression has taught an entire community to hate itself. Does it get any sicker than that?
Speaking of Comedy Central, Tosh.0 needs to go away. Apparently it’s their highest rated show and it’s on all the time, but he’s a piece of shit. It would be nice to see his viewership begin to dwindle...
You might want to read the amazing piece that came out about Woody Allen not too long ago—“Woody Allen’s Good Name”—that speaks directly to this idea.