
That said, there was a nationwide prison strike (US) in 2016 and I only heard it mentioned once in some random podcast I listen to—never anywhere else. I get that a strike is not a riot, but most people don't pay attention to prisons. They're like oubliettes.

Tablescaping is a real thing. It has always been one of the less interesting parts of the state fairs I've been to — definitely duller than quilts or goats.

Yeah…when I travelled Japan I ended up eating at touristy places or Indian places because they had English-language menus. I'm sure I could've gotten better and cheaper ramen at other restaurants, but as a non-meat eater, it was just safer to go places where I could read the menu.

Oh yeah. I do remember the toothless lady I worked with at my after-school job loving to say that and thinking she was clever for it.

It's just so strange that society prizes thinness over general mental or physical well being. Thinner is better, even if it's the result of grief or disease.

Oh, she's great, thanks. Gained back the weight though.

Word. When my mother had cancer, she was positively thrilled with her weight loss. It was disturbing.

Just the other day I was wondering why, if we had to have a reality TV show host as president, it couldn't have been RuPaul. RuPaul isn't perfect, but he'd have at least picked a better veep and the inaugural balls and state dinners would've been fabulous.

All of the actors on the show seemed like the same character. They all performed their parts with a similar cadences, expressions, etc. This wasn't helped by the writing, I don't think, because all of the characters seemed like the same type of person with the same sort of motivation, characteristics, etc.

Yes, and… he didn't actually say if. At least not in the context of wondering whether she did drugs, and at least not in the pull quote this article used. He used "if" about how saying drug use leads to one's inevitable demise could be perceived as "cold."

I saw Isaac Hayes perform at the New York State Fair in the early aughts. "Chocolate Salty Balls" was part of his set. A sign language interpreter was there to translate the lyrics. I won't say that seeing a sign language rendition of "Chocolate Salty Balls" was the greatest thing I've ever seen, but it is definitely

Perhaps you should do a quick internet search on blue-eyed soul then!

I am also a big Stephen Fry fan. But I have enough space in my heart to also fit Toksvig, if only because she's remarkably short.

QI is perfectly fine with Toksvig.
That said, Toksvig already has a job! Couldn't they have found another middle-aged British lesbian who enjoys muffins for GBBO? They can't be that rare.

Pretty accurate. I live in Korea and regularly go swimming at the community pool, which is primarily frequented by Korean grannies. They wander around the shower room looking like the cutest little lady-gnomes. When someone who isn't under the age of 70 shows up in the shower room, though, I'm deeply resentful of how

The fact that a Chicago station aired in the Cleveland area gave me weird notions about geography when I was young. It may be why I still tend to invert the placement of Indiana and Illinois on maps. (How can Illinois be farther away? We can pick up their TV stations!)

Ghoulardi wasn't really kid-specific. I think he was more of a late-night thing for teens in the sixties. Ghoulardi somehow transmogrified into Big Chuck and Little John on Saturday afternoons (Big Chuck was Polish; Little John was a little person. Those facts were the source of 90% of the jokes). I think my dad

I can't be alone in my belief that most people who claim a fear of clowns are just jumping on some weird clown-hate bandwagon.

I think it does well in the international market. Video footage of toddlers inadvertently whacking their dads in the crotch with baseball bats is just one of those things that transcends language barriers and cultural boundaries.

*google image searches* …oh dear. Well. I'm sure the Supercuts stylist was able to do a fantastic job of making that look nice.