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    HA! That’s genius.

    Hahaha, this is awful!
    Get a normal keyboard instead. Talk about bad financial decisions if you consider buying this.

    I want capcom to make her look her age.. because an imaginary character is also a living thing, and it will make my life better

    This is too idiotic for me to read in the morning..

    Mmmm.. I disagree.
    I think that, as a human, there are little things you can actually do to someone to punish them for something you think they should be punished for.

    I could be doing something productive.. yet here I am again..

    OH! I thought it was a PKMN you could catch! That’s dumb...
    I’m glad I haven’t purchased this game yet. Sticking to my principles. 

    You are probably hungry..

    They guy that necked himself and overreacted at stuff? Yes, quite a hero for the youngsters today.

    Not all trains.. I only saw reservation for Bullet trains.
    Normal commute didn’t.

    What the hell is this garbage??

    Make a Maria, or a Iosefka, and I’ll buy it.

    Terrible.. all of them.. again.

    As with every “comic” they make, it’s not something funny, rather something that seldom happens..

    What made this release delightful? The fact that it is a lazy and unfinished product that people supported blindly..

    EXCEPT.. it is not available outside of the US....

    I find it rather interesting that, like GameFreak and the main games (which are more and more a disappointment the more they make), they continue to change the name of the “EX cards” like they get rid of Megas, Z-Moves and now Dynamax.. why are they a V now?

    Haha, that would be such a good rival to lose to.

    “Action Figure” .. It’s a Nendoroid.

    If the Museum is anything to go by.. it will be worth a visit.