(adding Asobi Asobase)
(adding Asobi Asobase)
But are these in-betweeners or more than 2-frame-images?
The second doesn’t seem too bad, if it is the size I think it is.
Mmm, a lot of girls have made a good nier automata cosplay.
Is the news that an adult video star didn’t make a naked cosplay version of it?
You are praising it by calling THAT a joke.. it was more of a sentence that came out of someone’s mouth.
Interesting location.. I don’t remember what exactly was around the “Harry Potter land” Castle (aside from the long line for the inside coaster), but it sure makes me wonder the route to get there. It also doesn’t seem big (and I remember most of these areas to be small on their own).
Love the pause at 1:18, where they both stare at each other, haha.
It’s a shame there is NOTHING in this game that requires mastering the combat in BotW to this kind of level.
Seeing the existence of the trailer had me more excited than the contents of it..
Anyway, I wonder where in Universal Studios Osaka will the put this. Next to Snoopy’s?
Is that really any better? It’s still a lack of creativity on a not funny “joke”
During a GDQ weekend?
Meh, I prefer the reactions to half the missing Pokemon being sold on a now $90 game or $60 without additional content + whatever Online costs.
I got it as a fan of Advance Wars 1 and 2.
It was rather forgettable, and the dialogue was simply one of the worst I’ve seen in recent games.. but it doesn’t affect the gameplay, which is decent enough but not memorable.
I still see those songs under what seems to be “copyright” in youtube (with the whole “listen ad-free in Youtube Premium”).. and wonder if all these are updated or need to be re-uploaded.
The trailer made it look like a real movie.
I watched it, and it wasn’t.
The message from the movie is that it is easier to make an AI and a Game than to find a way out of a violent home.
This has got to be one of the worst recommendations I’ve ever received.
“I want more life” as a last line.... That’s horribly sad.
Yikes, I wonder what the cause was..
Still a shame. Rest in peace lady Remilia.
Why is this “ninja” guy getting so much attention?
It’s like he is the new messiah or something.. humanity really is weird and dumb sometimes.
Because if they release it too soon, it’s a “feel bad DLC”.
If they wait, they can claim the worked on it after it was done, and charge whatever they want for it.. instead of a “almost being in the game” piece of content.