
Lucasarts, for the sins of their founder, had a poor sendoff. Now EA owns this shit. I’d take Lucas’ crazy anyday over EA’s calculations.

The amount of far-right “Bootstrapping” going on in these comments is really distressing.

the custodial parent doesn’t have a choice.

A 70% garnishment on a $15 wage at 40 hours a week ends with an adjusted monthly of $780 out of the total $2,600 gross earned. That’s before taxes. Assume a conservative 15% tax rate and that is a net income per month of $663.

There’s no better way to make a man not want to pay child support than when 70% of his paycheck pre-cut goes elsewhere and you can barely eat.

Which is something that does happen since Family Courts are often stuck in very awful and sexist mindsets from the 60's.

Now playing

New Democrats frothed at the mouth to make comments like this:

Essentially because it is a well-meaning system that is very antiquated and places individuals into a lifetime of debt based off of some imaginary 1950's ideal.

If you can’t see that the edges where DWS begins and Clinton ends are mighty blurry...

I’m an addict. I have a serious alcohol addiction which I struggled with for many years. Funny enough, my bridge to sobriety was found by employing marijuana as a substitution for a little while before being able to let it all go entirely.

With a single grasp of the wrist, the entire Capitalist machine was brought down, comrades!

You didn’t? Well, you do now.

I would argue that most developers businesses tank because developers typically have no idea how to properly run a business and can’t stay on budget, or they make terrible games.

I must be the nicest GM ever. I fudge rolls, “forget” adverse rules and generally try to keep the rulebook searching to a minimum. If it makes sense and you can convince me, I’ll allow it.

Clinton wants to cripple the CFPB. Or at least the DNC does.

As someone from MA, if Warren leaves her seat we have to deal with the nasty habit of electing Republicans every few years. Most MA Republicans are the least-worst of their kind, but they still caucus with the GOP on party lines.

Meanwhile Hillary and Bernie (and Warren) agree a 93% policy issues.

I honestly think she’s partially pulling into a defense because the Democratic Party is working to essentially undermine the CFPB. DWS seems sure gunning for a seat at the table and she’d like to see the CFPB gone because it gets in the way of her being able to effective serve her constituents: banks and payday