fuck off to some MRA blog to read reviews if you don’t want critical thoughts on a show that has never written a good female character, incel
fuck off to some MRA blog to read reviews if you don’t want critical thoughts on a show that has never written a good female character, incel
jesus, it took me the whole morning to finish reading this review. keep it short next time
She’s hot, though
I don’t get the reference :/
We love Lip, but he’s not exactly a catch
You should be. I’m sick of reading about it.
Yeah, crazy how opinions work
Fuck cats.
As a gimmick, the Instagram format works,
So you just going to start reviewing the show whenever you feel like?
Because one is a review of a season and the other of a single episode, genius
What a dumb thing to get hung up on. It’s just a band playing in the background with some close up shots here and there.
Do people actually cry watching TIU? I thought it was a running joke after the first season
I have never owned a DVR.
Benjamin is nothing like Abe
Amy Sherman-Palladino is tone deaf when it comes to race? No way!
This review went on and on and on just like the premiere
Or maybe, just maybe, it’s not a well written show? Have you ever considered that is not the Avclub or IO9 who are wrong?
she’s an adult woman getting ice cream alone
Fuck that sucker too.