
Patricia Clarkson (can’t even remember the character’s name) talking to the president of Russia as if he were his ex-husband was so fucking ridiculous...

No, there are other people constantly letting us know they are loyal to KS and stopped watching the show

God forbid someone didn’t grow up watching the Muppets

This episode was as subtle as a nail to the head.

The reviewer represents the POV of the millions of people that their only knowledge of TWD universe comes from a weekly 60 minutes TV episode.

Why not?

I’ve never read the comics, but even I knew what the Whisperers were about.

i don’t get this complain. Read them when you finished watching the episode? Or is someone pointing a gun at you to read them all at once?

He looked too much like his character in ...Shadows.

It’s like they are comedy writers or somethig...

and her fear that death is “just floating in this ocean of nothing” for eternity.

Someone sounds butthurt... The show is still trash, fanboy.


All the arguments, the family drama, the nauseating camera work exhausted me

Men get killed too!

“can it be called ‘fridging’ if the person at hand was never really a character?”

You think that everyone who watches a TV series likes every character, dumbass?

Cookie cutter generic family is the right way?

yeah, i got annoyed at Foggy insisting they do Fink they right way through they legal system

yeah, i got annoyed at Foggy insisting they do Fink they right way through they legal system