Why? Are you a republican?
Why? Are you a republican?
Idk... a baby snorting coke, maybe?
So after all the offensive shit they showed for 8 fucking seasons, you draw the line on prison rape? lol
Doesn’t Breitbart review TV? Go and check it out
Overhyped dissapointment.
The last paragraph reminded me of how Gillian Flynn was accused of being a misogynist(!) when Gone Girl, the movie, came out
“I missed Molly”
WTF is this thread?!
C+?! Literally the most LOL episode so far.
I know you are but what am I?
“Interesting choice to have Taystee so plainly point out Piper’s white privilege: she’s absolutely right, but it felt a bit on-the-nose”
If there weren’t only 4 episodes left, I’d be done with this series. So mysterious, so boring...
It did, you’re just too stupid to get it.
She’s hot.
what was it?
dickriding fanboy
Kinja killed the AvClub. You need to have your account “approved” if you want your comments to show up. No one reads “Pending” posts. Bring back disqus!
When I read the clarification, I thought the review was written by the black woman that reviews black-led shows. But it’s a white dude getting offended by a nickname given by a diverse writing room, in the name of black women. lol