Biff Wonsley

Would you pronounce that JO-dism or JO-ed-ism? I like the latter. Sounds more dignified.

He'll always be Jimmy Olsen to me.

Back off Roderick, man. He's the most interesting character on the show. Surely the show is heading for a season-ending showdown between he & Joe. Better yet, a steamy sexual liason between the two, while Claire watches, holding hands with Emma.

Let's not gloss over the continued existence (they should be dead long ago) of the dumbest FBI agents ever. Hey, let's go knock on the door of a weapons-stockpiling crazy militia dude. Not with some version of a SWAT team, but a guy with a pacemaker, a chick & a guy recovering from a severe beating (and stabbing?)

Mads Mikkkelllsssonn owns Hannibal, which is indeed entirely awesome. How NBC, and not a channel that people actually watch, acquired that show is far more of a mystery than anything on The Following.

I don't recall The Song Remains the Same song playing at any time during this episode of the same name. They shouldn't do that. Or rather, they should do that. Play the song during the episode, that is. Would've bumped it up to a B.

Surely Rollo's now Ragnar's new rival, and will die in a duel in the final episode.

Could just be Bjørn/Björn suddenly sprouted a big, conceited head now that papa's the Jarl, and someone's gonna bring it back down to size in the near future. Maybe a kid fight-to-the-death & the winner becomes/stays the Jarl's son.

Back off, Laurel, man. Them's fightin' words.

So NBC was the only network of any stripe who wanted to buy Hannibal? Because if there was a choice between NBC & certain cancellation vs Some Other Network Not Run By Manatees, why in god's name would you choose NBC? This show is wonderfully mesmerizing & Mikkkkellllson suitably creepy. What the hell, man?

If you love Mads Mickelson do yourself a favor & watch the movie Flame and Citron. I know Amazon Instant has it, not sure about others. It's a Danish resistance in WW2 movie, & both Flame & Citron are really compelling characters. Do it. Do it now.

I'm probably not the 1st person to say this, but the sound mix is fine in 5.1 stereo. With one or two speakers, yes, the music can overpower everything else. Of course lots of (most?) people probably listen through their TV speakers, and you'd think maybe the producers would realize this & address the problem, because

Good ol' BBC (and by extension the UK govt) – let's slash the budget of our flagship program & most successful export. Great idea! Might as well sell the property to Sky.

People always hatin' on Love & Monsters. A little Marc Warren & ELO goes a long way. The fact of the doctor visiting Warren's character was pretty cool, what with Marc getting all obsessed later. Sure, the story was silly, but there's a decent amount to like in the episode. Mainly Marc Warren.

Well played, sir or madam.

What kind of world is this when you can only watch one of Scandal or Revenge? The gods mock us.

Hey now, back off my man Fitz. He didn't steal the election & make everyone around him untrustworthy, conniving little snakes. He was doomed from the moment he was born to his evil, white trash abomination of a father.

Good point about the break-in maybe being a setup to preserve Captain Dickhead's pervy spy antics. Also, seems like the logical choice for mole is Jake's handler. If not, that means the conspiracy involves at least several people. Squee!

Ahh, Grey's Anatomy. So good in the beginning. I stopped watching after Coach blew himself up with the bomb. RIP.

It could be dumb, but Huck wouldn't suspect he's being watched while he tells Quinn the schedule. There's no other way for Captain Dickhead to have known his schedule. Convenient for plot's sake that Huck said it out loud, so let's give Scandal a pass on this one.