Biff Wonsley

And the answer is…?

And the answer is…?

I'm really enjoying their relationship. Miller & Liu are really good together, they make me forget how silly it is that they are called Sherlock & Watson. The product placement was a bit much, but whatever. Gotta pay the bills.

I'm really enjoying their relationship. Miller & Liu are really good together, they make me forget how silly it is that they are called Sherlock & Watson. The product placement was a bit much, but whatever. Gotta pay the bills.

Tyler & Caroline…to think of how far they've come, from jock & bitch to awesome & awesome, warms my heart. We've gotten so much more Caroline this season & I'm certain I'm not the only person who is absolutely loving it. She's pretty much become the gang's grownup, the most mature & level-headed.

Tyler & Caroline…to think of how far they've come, from jock & bitch to awesome & awesome, warms my heart. We've gotten so much more Caroline this season & I'm certain I'm not the only person who is absolutely loving it. She's pretty much become the gang's grownup, the most mature & level-headed.

I was waiting, hoping for, Klaus to come save Caroline, though that would've screwed Tyler's big moment, so I suppose it was for the best. I still want Klaus to save Caroline from *something* at some point. Anything to give her conflicted feelings over K.

I was waiting, hoping for, Klaus to come save Caroline, though that would've screwed Tyler's big moment, so I suppose it was for the best. I still want Klaus to save Caroline from *something* at some point. Anything to give her conflicted feelings over K.

I really like FTT, too. He's got an endearingly goofy smile & seems to genuinely believe all that Tebow-y stuff, no sex & all that (are blow jobs ok?) I like how he's a true believer while his mom seems to be the cynical one exploiting his naivety in order to "build the brand."

I really like FTT, too. He's got an endearingly goofy smile & seems to genuinely believe all that Tebow-y stuff, no sex & all that (are blow jobs ok?) I like how he's a true believer while his mom seems to be the cynical one exploiting his naivety in order to "build the brand."

Well said. I really like the characters, I just don't care about anything they're doing. Or rather they rarely do anything all that interesting. And the music's good more often than not.

Well said. I really like the characters, I just don't care about anything they're doing. Or rather they rarely do anything all that interesting. And the music's good more often than not.

While Tara was boo-hooing all I could think was "whisper to Jax that Gemma did this." So that kind of bothered me.

While Tara was boo-hooing all I could think was "whisper to Jax that Gemma did this." So that kind of bothered me.

I briefly thought, and hoped, it was Go for a Soda.

Yeah, the Gov thinks Merle is a mole because he let Michonne live & helped helped his brother then infiltrate Woodbury. He didn't just suddenly decide to turn on Merle. Given the facts, the Gov came to a reasonable conclusion, even if we know he's wrong.

Yeah, the Gov thinks Merle is a mole because he let Michonne live & helped helped his brother then infiltrate Woodbury. He didn't just suddenly decide to turn on Merle. Given the facts, the Gov came to a reasonable conclusion, even if we know he's wrong.

Marc Warren is a fantastic actor who's been in a whole lotta really good shows. I doubt this role will hamper his chances of future employment, but I hope TGW fans don't hold a grudge. I was so excited when he first appeared on the show, and sooo disappointed with how they used him. Godspeed, Sir Marc, and may your

Marc Warren is a fantastic actor who's been in a whole lotta really good shows. I doubt this role will hamper his chances of future employment, but I hope TGW fans don't hold a grudge. I was so excited when he first appeared on the show, and sooo disappointed with how they used him. Godspeed, Sir Marc, and may your

"…but I just don’t really give a shit about issues of plot plausibility."