Biff Wonsley

You should be studying for the bar, not making salient points about our favorite legal drama.

FF definitely. Terra Nova? Well…

FF definitely. Terra Nova? Well…

The most telling/damning thing is that a few commenters above us have proffered much more interesting ways forward for this show without their brains exploding.

The most telling/damning thing is that a few commenters above us have proffered much more interesting ways forward for this show without their brains exploding.

The dirty windshield makes me wonder if our heroes will be saved by the copter falling out of the sky as its 15 year lack of maintenance results in a stalling engine.

The dirty windshield makes me wonder if our heroes will be saved by the copter falling out of the sky as its 15 year lack of maintenance results in a stalling engine.

Front boob is the only way she'll ever fashion a career.

Front boob is the only way she'll ever fashion a career.

Spiridakos has a 'one size fits all' facial expression. Doesn't matter if she's about to die or experiencing a reunion with her mother or saving her brother. You'd have no clue which by looking at her face. By all means, kill her & Danny. She even makes Google Guy seem compelling in comparison.

Spiridakos has a 'one size fits all' facial expression. Doesn't matter if she's about to die or experiencing a reunion with her mother or saving her brother. You'd have no clue which by looking at her face. By all means, kill her & Danny. She even makes Google Guy seem compelling in comparison.

I'd still trade Owen for Eddie. Owen's the only character around whom Margaret isn't insufferable.

I'd still trade Owen for Eddie. Owen's the only character around whom Margaret isn't insufferable.

Stephen Graham has taken some pretty diverse roles lately – Tinker Tailor, Parade's End, Good Cop, BE, among others. I didn't know anything about him before seeing him in BE. He's such a great Chicago gangster, I was almost shocked to see him be all English and stuff in these other shows.

Stephen Graham has taken some pretty diverse roles lately – Tinker Tailor, Parade's End, Good Cop, BE, among others. I didn't know anything about him before seeing him in BE. He's such a great Chicago gangster, I was almost shocked to see him be all English and stuff in these other shows.

That's generally how I rate these episodes – was I nervous as fuck throughout? Mostly yes this season (and last) & especially tonight. Very tense.

That's generally how I rate these episodes – was I nervous as fuck throughout? Mostly yes this season (and last) & especially tonight. Very tense.

I'd have preferred Ralph somehow showing up to save Savino, so Savino would owe Ralph, which would make for a more interesting relationship. Anything but the ol' "I'm gonna shoot you…psych…I'm gonna shoot *you*." Aargh. Plus Rizzo is such a cartoon character, just slightly less silly than Moretti on The Mob Doctor.

I'd have preferred Ralph somehow showing up to save Savino, so Savino would owe Ralph, which would make for a more interesting relationship. Anything but the ol' "I'm gonna shoot you…psych…I'm gonna shoot *you*." Aargh. Plus Rizzo is such a cartoon character, just slightly less silly than Moretti on The Mob Doctor.

Finally getting off my figurative ass to find out who Winter Ave Zoli is, I discover she's 6' 3" tall (wow) yet weighs less than 120 lbs, and doesn't look anorexic. Can't imagine why, but that makes me like Lyla even more.