Biff Wonsley

Fair criticism, but we really can't expect a fully-formed & awesome show right out of the gate. That's a rare occurrence. For now we watch for what we hope it will become. Reminds me of Vampire Diaries, or Spartacus. They plodded along for 5-6 episodes before becoming entertaining, fast-moving & kickass shows. Not

Fair criticism, but we really can't expect a fully-formed & awesome show right out of the gate. That's a rare occurrence. For now we watch for what we hope it will become. Reminds me of Vampire Diaries, or Spartacus. They plodded along for 5-6 episodes before becoming entertaining, fast-moving & kickass shows. Not

Ha, good call. I usually have my remote ready to FF through the montage. You'd think they could find it in themselves to write an extra 90 seconds of dialogue every week.

Ha, good call. I usually have my remote ready to FF through the montage. You'd think they could find it in themselves to write an extra 90 seconds of dialogue every week.

Jax told Nero at the end of their confrontation that he was off to go round up cash to pay back the ransom.

Jax told Nero at the end of their confrontation that he was off to go round up cash to pay back the ransom.

Also agreed. He stands out like a sore, mustachioed, tattooed, steroid-crazy thumb. Give me Van Damme any day. At least he's charming. Pun just realized, not intended. Zito just so obviously doesn't belong, yet it looks like he believes this is the role of a lifetime for him. Dial it down a bit, big guy.

Also agreed. He stands out like a sore, mustachioed, tattooed, steroid-crazy thumb. Give me Van Damme any day. At least he's charming. Pun just realized, not intended. Zito just so obviously doesn't belong, yet it looks like he believes this is the role of a lifetime for him. Dial it down a bit, big guy.

DQ still wears embarrassing amounts of makeup, but he didn't look as painfully constipated throughout. And it's not just C-AM, but all the women are underused. It seems like only one per episode is allowed any significant screen time.

DQ still wears embarrassing amounts of makeup, but he didn't look as painfully constipated throughout. And it's not just C-AM, but all the women are underused. It seems like only one per episode is allowed any significant screen time.

Trooper Tim isn't aging well. Took me a moment to recognize him. I knew the voice, but not the crotchety old man from which it emanated.

Trooper Tim isn't aging well. Took me a moment to recognize him. I knew the voice, but not the crotchety old man from which it emanated.

Dewey Crowe!

Dewey Crowe!

I watch the show for humor, not drama. There are far better dramas out there than The Castle & Beckett Serious Hour. But there aren't a lot of light comedies as good as Castle was last week. It's just a waste of time & talent if you don't let these people be funny. They've got an excellent ensemble who've worked

I watch the show for humor, not drama. There are far better dramas out there than The Castle & Beckett Serious Hour. But there aren't a lot of light comedies as good as Castle was last week. It's just a waste of time & talent if you don't let these people be funny. They've got an excellent ensemble who've worked

Much as I enjoy reading these reviews, Phil, Castle really doesn't stand up to critical inspection. So we can't blame you, but do wish you'd change your mind, just so we can experience the whiplash together. You'd think after all this time Castle (the show) would've long ago settled on what works. There's nothing

Much as I enjoy reading these reviews, Phil, Castle really doesn't stand up to critical inspection. So we can't blame you, but do wish you'd change your mind, just so we can experience the whiplash together. You'd think after all this time Castle (the show) would've long ago settled on what works. There's nothing

I'll watch any ol' scifi-ish drama. Wife & I quit 15 minutes into the 2nd episode, but then to my eternal shame I watched the rest of it after she went to bed, and have continued. I'm interested to see if it improves, if the story itself gets interesting (even if the characters don't) and to wallow in its shameless

I'll watch any ol' scifi-ish drama. Wife & I quit 15 minutes into the 2nd episode, but then to my eternal shame I watched the rest of it after she went to bed, and have continued. I'm interested to see if it improves, if the story itself gets interesting (even if the characters don't) and to wallow in its shameless